*************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** NN N tt M MM MMM tt h N N N tt MM MMM M tt h N N N tt M M M tt h N N N eeeeee ttttt M M M oooooo n nnnn ttttt h hhhh N N N ee eee tt M M M oo oo nn n tt hh h N NN ee ee tt M M M oo oo n n tt h h N N eee e tt M M M oo oo n n tt h h N UNT eeeeee tt M M M oooooo n n tt h h NetMonth / An Independent Guide to BITNET *************************************************************************** * May, 1992 / Issue 39 Edited by Philip Baczewski / NMONTHED@UNTVM1 * * Chris Condon, Editor Emeritus * *************************************************************************** * * CONTENTS: * * 1.0 Bitnotes * 2.0 Headlines * 2.1 LISA COVI LEAVES BITNIC * 2.2 NEW CREN BOARD AND OFFICERS * 2.3 BITNET-MFENET GATEWAY SHUT DOWN * 2.4 EARN CONNECTS TO RUSSIA * 2.5 BITNET DUES SET * 3.0 Articles and Information * 3.1 Library Computing and BITNET * 3.2 Electronic Discussion Lists and the Scholar * 4.0 New Mailing Lists * 4.1 TEXTILES@TREARN.BITNET Textiles & Clothing Studies * 4.2 Milton-L@URVAX John Milton List * 4.3 Russia on ListServ@IndyCMS Russia and her neighbors list * 4.4 HELP-NET on LISTSERV@TEMPLEVM.Bitnet Network Help * 4.5 CLASSM-L on LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET Classical Music * 4.6 C+Health on LISTSERV@IUBVM Computing and Health * 4.7 CREWRT-L on LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET Creative Writing Pedagogy * 4.8 CHAIRS-L@FAUVAX.BITNET Academic Chairpersons * 4.9 REGISTRAR-L@CORNELL.EDU Registrars * 4.10 CANADA-L on LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA Canadian Issues Forum * 4.11 EUEARN-L on LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET Computers in Eastern Europe * 4.12 EC on LISTSERV@IndyCMS.BITNET European Community * 4.13 Library on ListServ@IndyCMS Libraries & Librarians * 4.14 CHPOEM-L on LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET Chinese Poems * 4.15 WORLD-L on LISTSERV@UBVM Non-Eurocentric World History * 4.16 GARDENS on LISTSERV@UKCC Gardens and gardening * 4.17 AFRICA-L on LISTSERV@BRUFPB.BITNET Forum Pan-Africa * 4.19 SEASIA-L on LISTSERV@MSU Southeast Asian Studies * 4.20 FEMREL-L on LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET Women and Religion * 5.0 Administrivia * *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ***************************** * 1.0 Bitnotes * * * * By Philip Baczewski * * University of North Texas * * NMONTHED@UNTVM1 * ***************************** There is always an element of sadness and loss when a good friend moves on to new opportunities. We feel that loss keenly as we recognize that Chris Condon must relinquish his long and much appreciated editorship of NetMonth. Chris, we wish you the very best in your new endeavors, and we welcome your continued insights in NetMonth whenever you may have time to share them with us. We are delighted that Philip Baczewski is willing to assume the role of NetMonth editor. We eagerly anticipate his wisdom and the exciting and helpful articles that you, the readership, will contribute to a renewed NetMonth. Welcome, Philip! - Jim Conklin, Director of BITNIC About five years ago, I was named as the first (and so far only) BITNET INFOREP for the University of North Texas (actually, back then we were called North Texas State University, but that's a different story). I was afforded this "honor" and responsibility because BITNET access was primarily achieved via our academic mainframe system and I was a primary mainframe user support staff member at the time. I also happened to be within eyeshot of the Academic Computing Director when he was making his decision. I, however, like many others in our department and at our University, was a newly initiated BITNET user. I was faced with the challenge of providing information to others about a resource that I barely new about myself. I did have one information source that proved to be huge help in this task: NetMonth. NetMonth was a great clearinghouse for information about BITNET. I always found references to new mailing lists and servers and from there, a world of BITNET services opened up. Along with NetMonth came a file called BITNET SERVERS which documented the various file and list servers available on BITNET. If you are a long-time subscriber to NetMonth, I may not be telling you anything you don't already know. I do want to underscore the usefulness of this publication to emphasize how much I missed it once it no longer came on a monthly basis. As with many BITNET endeavors, NetMonth has always been a volunteer effort and its production and distribution in the past can be credited to Chris Condon. When he was a student at Yale, Chris almost single-handedly wrote and edited NetMonth. At the risk of recounting the story of Puff the Magic Dragon, I'll take the liberty of saying that once Chris took a job as a computing professional in Manhattan, it was harder for him to get access to BITNET and the resources associated with it and so NetMonth came no more (or at least infrequently). I have always appreciated NetMonth and the job that Chris did with the publication, so when I had the opportunity to talk to some of the BITNIC people at the 1992 EDUCOM conference, I volunteered to take over editorship of NetMonth if Chris was in favor of such a move. He was and I did and so here we are, finally -- the latest issue of NetMonth. I hope to make this a monthly habit, however, I also will beg forgiveness in advance if NetMonth occasionally seems to be NetBiMonth. This issue may look a bit different than some in the past. I have taken the liberty of making some slight format changes. Previous issues included IBM carriage control characters for easy printing. In this issue, sections are numbered in a legal-style format (1.1, 1.2, etc.) in an attempt to accommodate easier on-line browsing. A postscript version of this and subsequent issues of NetMonth (suitable for binding) will be available for anonymous FTP (or BITFTP) from ftp.unt.edu in the /pub/netmonth directory. Also missing with this month's issue is a new version of BITNET SERVERS. If it is practical to keep maintaining that file, it too will come with future issues. Finally, let me encourage you to send your comments, questions, complaints, suggestions, or contributions for NetMonth to NMONTHED@UNTVM1. NetMonth exists to serve the BITNET user community. The more feedback received, the more responsive the publication can be. And let me stress again, contributions are welcomed, encouraged, solicited, appreciated... ************************ * 2.0 Headlines *** * From various sources ****** * Edited By Philip Baczewski ************* * Send your Headlines to NMONTHED@UNTVM1 *** ********************************************** *2.1* LISA COVI LEAVES BITNIC (Jim Conklin, from BITNEWS@BITNIC) Lisa Covi has decided to return to school, to pursue graduate work next fall. In the intervening months she'll be touring the country, camping, hiking, and visiting graduate schools to make her choice as to which one to attend. Then she'll work at a camp in Maine for the summer, for a total change of pace before starting graduate school. Lisa, we've enjoyed having you as a member of BITNIC, we wish you the best as you head off to new endeavors! We'll be looking for the right person to replace Lisa here at the BITNIC and would appreciate any suggestions you might care to send our way. The job description for Lisa's replacement, along with that of the CREN Executive Director position, is posted in LISTSERV@BITNIC, in the file CREN POSITION. Thanks to action by the Board to increase BITNIC staffing by half an FTE next fiscal year, Lisa's replacement will be able to spend full-time on BITNIC and CREN activities, including new software and services for CREN members. Some of Lisa's work will be handled by Yingying Zhou, who joined the BITNIC team in October and has been helping develop internal software as she became familiar with BITNET-specific operations and software such as LISTSERV. Some of you have already had assistance from Yingying, and she'll be helping many more of you in the future. We're pleased to have Yingying on the BITNIC staff and believe you will be also as you get to know her better. *2.2* NEW CREN BOARD AND OFFICERS (Douglas Bigelow, from BITNEWS@BITNIC) The CREN Board of Trustees is pleased to announce four new board members, elected to three-year terms on January 27th, 1992. They are: Ronald Briggs, University of Texas at Dallas Ira Fuchs, Princeton University (reelected) Matthew Korn, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Mark Strawcutter, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Continuing board members are: Term ends: Douglas Bigelow, Wesleyan University 1993 Miriam Drake, Georgia Inst. of Technology 1994 Suzanne Johnson, Intel Corporation 1993 Benjamin Klein, City University of New York 1994 Philip Long, Yale University 1993 Geraldine MacDonald, SUNY Binghamton 1994 Dennis Ritchie, AT&T Bell Laboratories 1993 Martin Solomon, University of South Carolina 1994 The 1992 board officers are: Ira Fuchs, President Philip Long, Vice President Douglas Bigelow, Secretary Geraldine MacDonald, Treasurer The entire board may be reached via electronic mail to CREN-BD@BITNIC or CREN-BD@BITNIC.EDUCOM.EDU. *2.3* BITNET-MFENET GATEWAY SHUT DOWN (Barry Finkel, from INFOREP@BITNIC) The gateway between BITNET and MFENET is terminating. MFENET has converted to TCP/IP, so all MFENET nodes are now accessible via the Internet. We tried to notify gateway users, but there were problems sending mail back to them. The MFENET entry in DOMAIN NAMES should be removed (I don't know if it can be done for the April distribution). We are not sure if we can return mail back to the senders. Here is a table of MFENET node names and corresponding Internet node names: MFENET Name Internet Name MFENET Name Internet Name ------------ --------------------- ------------ -------------------- CCC CCC.NERSC.GOV LM1,LMP1 MPX1.LAMPF.GOV CCV CCV.NERSC.GOV LM2,LMP2 MPX2.LAMPF.GOV ANL ANLCV2.ANL.CTD.GOV LSN,LSL LSLVAX.LANL.GOV ANV ANLCHM.CHM.ANL.GOV LNS,MIV MITLNS.MIT.EDU APHA ANLPHY.PHY.ANL.GOV LSV MFE-GATE.LANL.GOV APHB ANPH09.PHY.ANL.GOV MIT,MIN NERUS.PFC.MIT.EDU APHC ANPH10.PHY.ANL.GOV MIA ALCVAX.PFC.MIT.EDU APHD ANPH11.PHY.ANL.GOV MIF FRED.PFC.MIT.EDU APHE ANPH12.PHY.ANL.GOV MIH HOLMES.PFC.MIT.EDU APHF ANPH13.PHY.ANL.GOV NYU,NY MFDD.NYU.EDU ATF FEDC06.FED.ORNL.GOV OER,DOE OERV01.ER.DOE.GOV BNL0,BNLCF0 BNLFC0.BNL.GOV ORFE FEDC07.FED.ORNL.GOV BNL,BNLCL1 BNLCL1.BNL.GOV ORN FEDC04.FED.ORNL.GOV BNL3,BNLCL3 BNLCL3.BNL.GOV PNL PNLG.PNL.GOV BNL4,BNLCL4 BNLCL4.BNL.GOV PPE,PPEV PPEV.PPPL.GOV BNL6,BNLCL6 BNLCL6.BNL.GOV PPL,PPPL,PPC USC.PPPL.GOV CBV CEBAF2.CEBAF.GOV SAB SAV89.PMTF.SANDIA.GOV CMR CUPLVX.APNE.COLUMBIA.EDU SAV CPVD.SAIC.COM FNA FNMFE.FNAL.GOV SAMC MCLAPO.SAIC.COM FPP,AN2 ANLCMT.CMT.ANL.GOV SDF CPVS1.SAIC.COM FSU,SCRI1 SCRI1.SCRI.FSU.EDU SDS M5.SDSC.EDU FS2,SCRI2 SCRI2.SCRI.FSU.EDU SSC,SSC1 SSCVX1.SSC.GOV GAV,GA,GAC GAV.GAT.COM UCE UCE.FUSION.UCLA.EDU ISU,ISE VAXLE.AMESLAB.GOV UCP,UCV UCLAPH.PHYSICS.UCLA.EDU SAT,ITR,ITER SAT.IPP-GARCHING.MPG.DE UTA,IFS FUSION.PH.UTEXAS.EDU LBV CSA2.LBL.GOV UTN FRCESN.PH.UTEXAS.EDU LBW CSA3.LBL.GOV UTP,UTPE PERV.PE.UTEXAS.EDU LLL LLL.LLNL.GOV UTV SOLAR.PH.UTEXAS.EDU LLV LLV.LLNL.GOV UW,UWM UWMFE.NEEP.WISC.EDU LMP,LMP0 MPX0.LAMPF.GOV UWS UWS.AA.WASHINGTON.EDU *2.4* EARN CONNECTS TO RUSSIA (Billy Barron, from various sources) The first EARN node in Russia (then USSR) was made operational on November 5th, 1991. It is at the Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry in Moscow and is named SUEARN2. Russia and other parts of the previous USSR have been and still are connected by the GlasNet and Relcom network. The postmaster of SUEARN2 is Michael Kuzminsky. *2.5* BITNET DUES SET (Jim Conklin, from BITNEWS@BITNIC) The CREN Board, at its February meeting, adopted the consolidated dues structure shown below, to take effect July 1, 1992. As has been the case for several years, this dues structure includes NO direct inflationary increases. In fact, based on current budgetary information, some members in the middle and upper budget categories will find their dues reduced for FY'92-93. CREN Dues for the current fiscal year and for FY '92-93 are available from LISTSERV@BITNIC as the file CREN COST. CREN FY '92-93 Dues Adopted at the Feb. 3, 1992 Board Meeting For-Profit Member's Annual Revenue Or Non-Profit Member's Annual Budget FYE'93 Dues ------------------------------------ ---------------------- Non-Profit For-Profit At Least But Less Than Members Members * ----------- ------------- ------- --------- $20 million $750 $1,125 $20 million 55 million 1,000 1,500 55 million 130 million 2,000 3,000 130 million 200 million 3,000 4,500 200 million 350 million 4,000 6,000 350 million 500 million 6,000 8,000 500 million 1 billion 8,000 11,000 >1 billion 8,000 12,000 * Second site of for-profit member pays $750 service fee for BITNET service, if not connected internally through member's own network. ******************************** * 3.0 Articles and Information * ******************************** *3.1* Library Computing and BITNET by Billy Barron, University of North Texas (billy@untvax) I am fairly well known for my work on Internet library access. I thought that I would look into the uses of BITNET for library computing for a change. The most publicized library application of computer networking has been OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs). An OPAC is a bibliographic database of books, journals, etc. Almost all of the OPACs require an interactive remote login session to use them. Unfortunately, BITNET does not provide this service, but BITNET does provide other useful library related services. A few OPACs are accessible via Electronic mail. However, no list of these has been compiled. The best way to find out about these is to watch the PACS-L mailing list discussed below. The most obvious use of BITNET for libraries is mailing lists. The majority of library related lists are available on LISTSERV. One of the most interesting, especially in relation to computer networking is PACS-L@UHUPVM1. The Public Access Computer Systems forum covers the use of computing in libraries ranging from OPACs to CD-ROMs. A document called "Library-Oriented Computer Conferences and Electronic Serials" by Charles W Bailey, Jr. gives a complete list. Though it may be available directly on BITNET, it is definitely available for anonymous FTP at the HYDRA.UWO.CA site mentioned below under the file name LIBCONFERS.TXT. For those BITNET users out there who do not have Internet access, many files on libraries are available on the Internet via anonymous FTP. You can still acquire these files using Princeton's BITFTP service (see the October, 1989 issue of NetMonth for more information on BITFTP). Some of the major sites include: SITE DIRECTORY ------------- --------- FTP.UNT.EDU pub/library HYDRA.UWO.CA libsoft ARIEL.UNM.EDU library Also, some files and archives are available on LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 and LISTSERV@KENTVM. While BITNET does not allow interactive access to OPACs, it does provide librarians and library users with other useful services and information. *3.2* Electronic Discussion Lists and the Scholar by Philip Baczewski, University of North Texas (NMONTHED@UNTVM1) This article appeared in "The Network Connection" column in _Benchmarks_ (March/April 1991, Vol. 13, No. 3), the University of North Texas Computing Center newsletter. I recently received the Winter 1992 issue of a newsletter called _REACH, Research & Educational Applications of Computers in the Humanities_, published by the Humanities Computing Facility of the University of California at Santa Barbara. In scanning this publication, I found it to be reinforcement for the fact that the use of Wide Area Networks is affecting the accomplishment of scholarship in many fields. In this one issue alone are announcements of electronic mailing lists on topics including Buddhist studies, Hermann Hesse, German history, modern British literature, French studies, Arabic language and literature, Spanish and Portuguese history, and Chinese poems. The eight lists discussed in this eight-page newsletter are just the tip of a much larger iceberg. The number and variety of scholarly on-line discussion lists has grown with geometric proportions. (Reach can be received electronically by sending the command SUB REACH your name to LISTSERV@UCSBVM.) If these eight are the tip of the iceberg, then how do you find the iceberg? That question may have a number of answers. For many years, the file LISTSERV GROUPS was the primary source for BITNET mailing list information, however, the number of lists has out-paced this file's maintenance. Several other sources have taken this file's place, however. One way to find out what lists are maintained on BITNET LISTSERVs is to send the command LIST GLOBAL to the nearest LISTSERV installation (in UNT's case, LISTSERV@UTDALLAS). One word of warning, however: this command will generate and send to you a file which is over 3000 lines long. The lists are in alphabetical order, so if you are looking for the location of a list, this file can be very helpful. If, however, you are looking for mailing lists on your particular field of study, it could take a while to scan over 3000 entries. Fortunately, there is an alternative source for BITNET (as well as Internet) mailing lists and discussion groups. Diane Kovacs, of the Kent State University Libraries, has compiled a directory of electronic mailing lists and news groups and has recently released a fourth revision. The directory is actually a set of files which can be acquired from LISTSERV@KENTVM and via anonymous FTP from KSUVXA. KENT.EDU (in the Library directory). The files which make up the directory are as follows: ACADLIST README (explanatory notes for the Directory with an index) ACADLIST FILE1 (Anthropology-Education) ACADLIST FILE2 (Futurology-Latin American Studies) ACADLIST FILE3 (Library and Information Science-Music) ACADLIST FILE4 (Political Science-Writing) ACADLIST FILE5 (Biological sciences) ACADLIST FILE6 (Physical sciences) ACADLIST FILE7 (Business and General Academia) ACADLIST CHANGES (all the major additions, deletions and alterations) The organization of lists and news groups by subject allows easy access to those on one particular field of study. This is obviously a valuable service to the Wide Area Network community of scholars. Another similar very useful directory is one of electronic journals, compiled by Michael Strangelove at the University of Ottawa and available from LISTSERV@UOTTAWA as well as LISTSERV@BROWNVM. It consists of two files, EJOURNL1 DIRECTRY and EJOURNL2 DIRECTRY, with entries organized by category of publication (journal, newsletter, digest, etc.). Each entry has the journal title, ISSN number (if any), a description, subscription information, submission information, related electronic mailing lists (if any), back issue information, and a contact name and address. There is no doubt that scholars' use of wide area networks will continue to grow. As more and more scholars are involved in using wide area networks, "scholar support personnel," i.e. librarians and academic computing professionals, are increasingly involved in enhancing the scholar's process of obtaining network resources, both in relation to access method and information content. We may be quickly approaching the day when network directories such as these are used as commonly as card catalogs are today. *************************** *************************** ** 4.0 New Mailing Lists ** *************************** *************************** Mailing lists are being created on a daily basis. What follows are selected offerings posted to the mailing list NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1.BITNET, moderated by Marty Hoag at North Dakota State University. If you want to keep up with new lists on a daily basis you can subscribe to this mailing list by sending the command SUBSCRIBE NEW-LIST as an interactive message or as the first line of a mail message to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1. Archives of this list are also available as part of the NEW-LIST FILELIST on LISTSERV@NDSUVM1. You can unsubscribe by sending the command UNSUB NEW-LIST. For more information on finding out about available mailing lists, see the article "Electronic Discussion Lists and the Scholar" in the previous section. *4.1* TEXTILES@TREARN.BITNET Textiles & Clothing Studies This list is an open forum for the discussion and development of Textiles & Clothing related studies. Interest areas include: o Textile Science o Textile Chemistry o Textile Engineering o Textile Technology o Textile Management o Clothing Science o Clothing Technology o Clothing Engineering o Textile & Clothing Marketing o Computer Applications to Textiles & Clothing All academics, industrialists, researchers and students are welcome. To subscribe, send: SUB TEXTILES YourFirstName YourLastName to LISTSERV@TREARN.BITNET either as a TELL message, or within the body of a MAIL message. To submit articles to the discussion list, mail your message to: TEXTILES@TREARN.BITNET Owner: Haluk Demirbag *4.2* Milton-L@URVAX John Milton List Milton-L@URVAX.URICH.EDU (Internet address) Milton-L is a moderated electronic digest for scholars, students, and others interested in the life and work of John Milton. As participation grows Milton-L will also serve as a repository for information on the current state of Milton scholarship (proposals and projects, bibliographies, and conferences). To subscribe, please send a brief note to Milton-request@URVAX (or to Milton-request@urvax.urich.edu for Internet addresses). Any questions regarding Milton-L may be sent to the list moderator, Kevin Creamer at Milton-request@URVAX. List Owner: Kevin J.T. Creamer (CREAMER@URVAX.BITNET) (Creamer@urvax.urich.edu) *4.3* Russia on ListServ@IndyCMS Russia and her neighbors list IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu Russia (Russia and her neighbors list) is dedicated to the civil and thoughtful exchange and analysis of information regarding Russia and her neighbors. Russia is a moderated list with no gateways to any other ListServ lists or Usenet newsgroups. Russia is archived. To receive a list of files available, send the command INDEX RUSSIA to the ListServ CREN or Internet address below. To subscribe to the "Russia" list send e-mail to either LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET or LISTSERV@INDCMS.IUPUI.EDU (Internet) with the body (text) of the mail containing the command SUB RUSSIA yourfirstname yourlastname List owner/coordinator: John B Harlan IJBH200@IndyVAX (CREN) IJBH200@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu (Internet) *4.4* HELP-NET on LISTSERV@TEMPLEVM.Bitnet Network Help HELPSERV has evolved. Helpserv and all its component files have been integrated (finally!) into LISTSERV at TEMPLEVM. In addition, there has been the addition of a mailing list, and a NAME CHANGE. Introducing HELP-NET at TEMPLEVM. Help-Net is a discussion list for the purposes of solving user problems with utilities and software related to the Internet and Bitnet networks. In addition, LISTSERV at TEMPLEVM maintains a set of low-level help files intended to help the beginning user acclimatize himself to the network systems. Both novice and experienced users are encouraged to join the discussion list, either to ask questions, or to answer them. Questions on almost any network topic are encouraged, however there are a few ground rules we ask that you observe. 1. Please do not post where can I find this game, or that specific gif file, etc. There are several lists that deal specifically with those topics. The question, Where would I find a list that could tell me where to get ??? on the other hand is quite acceptable. 2. Please do not post any messages that relate to the illegal traffic of copyrighted material. 3. Feel free to redistribute the help files freely. We do ask that you identify the source of any materials. 4. We gratefully accept both topics for additional Help sheets, and submissions to be placed on the server. For more information about submitting, get the file SUBMIT INFO from the server. See below for instructions. Below are some brief instructions on how to access the HELP-NET list. 1. Signing on to the list. Send the following command to LISTSERV at TEMPLEVM, as either an interactive message or the body of a mail message: SUB HELP-NET (Your Name) 2. Getting a file from the list. Send the following command to LISTSERV at TEMPLEVM: GET HELP-NET FILELIST Choose which files you want and send a get command for each of those files. If you have a problem, ask the list. It's what we are here for. Please note that you must be a list subscriber to access files. 3. Posting a message on the list. - Send your mail message to HELP-NET at TEMPLEVM. Your mail will be forwarded to all list members, and you will be replied to. I thank everyone for their support and interest and hope that I and the HELP-NET will continue to be of service to everyone in the network community. If you have any questions regarding Help-Net, please direct them to V4078 at TEMPLEVM. Again, thank you for your support. Jeff Linder Bitnet: V5057U at TEMPLEVM Temple University Internet: JEFF@MONET.OCIS.TEMPLE.EDU Computer Services Mainframe Consultant *4.5* CLASSM-L on LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BITNET Classical Music or LISTSERV@Brownvm.brown.edu The Classical Music List was created to discuss classical music of all kinds. All topics and periods are welcome, from Gregorian Chants to George Crumb. To subscribe to CLASSM-L, send a mail message to: Internet: LISTSERV@brownvm.brown.edu BITNET: LISTSERV@BROWNVM with the text: SUB CLASSM-L Owner: Catherine "Pumpkin" Yang Internet: cyang@brownvm.brown.edu BITNET: CYANG@BROWNVM *4.6* C+Health on LISTSERV@IUBVM Computing and Health or LISTSERV@IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU C+Health is intended to promote sharing of information, experiences, concerns, and advice about computers and health. Anecdotal evidence, media reports, and some formal studies suggest that computer users are at risk from misuse and overuse of computers. Eyestrain, headache, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other apparently computer-related maladies are increasing. And, it would appear that colleges, universities, and other institutions have been slow to respond with education, training, office and lab design, furniture purchasing, and other programs that could make computing more healthful -- and productive. We welcome questions and answers; article and book reviews; hardware, software, and furniture evaluations; approaches to influencing institutional policy; speculation; and humor. Medical, legal, technical, financial, aesthetic, and administrative viewpoints are encouraged. We hope that this forum will be of interest to end users, computing managers, epidemiologists, and policy makers. Subscribers to this list may also wish to participate in EDUCOM's Project EASI: Equal Access to Software for Instruction, "dedicated to assisting higher education in developing computer support services for people with disabilities." EASI provides information and guidance on campus applications of adaptive computer technology. For information on EASI, contact Carmela Castorina, CSMICLC@UCLAMVS.BITNET. In general, C+Health will focus on individual and institutional measures for "keeping healthy people healthy" as well as remedies for restoring temporarily disabled people to health. We suggest that computing issues related to those with permanent disabilities be referred to our dedicated colleagues at EASI. Although this distinction will not always be "easy," one goal of C+Health is to minimize the number of casualties in our increasingly computer-intensive campuses, offices, and homes. This list will not be moderated, at least initially, so we encourage contributors to be succinct, to include relevant parts of messages to which they are responding, and to append their names, titles, and institutions to contributions. New users are welcome to send to the list a brief statement of their experiences and interests in this topic. Unless stated otherwise, it will be assumed that contributions represent individual opinion rather than institutional policy. To subscribe to C+Health send mail with the following command to LISTSERV@IUBVM (from BITNET sites) or LISTSERV@IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU (from Internet sites). Subscribe C+Health Full Name Institution As list owners, we look forward to your contributions to C+Health: Judy Smith, Data Analyst, Office of Data Administration and Information Resource Planning, University of Pennsylvania; SmithJ@a1.relay.upenn.edu. Kimberly Updegrove, Lecturer, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania; kimu@dairp.upenn.edu. *4.7* CREWRT-L on LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET Creative Writing Pedagogy or LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU Creative Writing Pedagogy for Teachers and Students This list was created as a place to discuss how and why creative writing is being taught at colleges and universities, including the role it plays in the curriculum, the history of creative writing programs, the shape and flavor of creative writing courses, and the influence it has or should have on students' lives. Any teacher who has ever taught a creative writing course (poetry or fiction) and any student who has ever taken such a course should feel welcome to participate. The list is open and unmoderated, so discussion can range as far and wide as members want, from ethereal theory to classroom strategies and anything remotely tangential to either. However, this list is not intended to be a place for sharing creative work. Not that such sharing is in any way forbidden, but there are other lists designed for that purpose. To subscribe, send an interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@UMCVMB or LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU and include the command: SUB CREWRT-L Your Name Owner: Eric Crump LCERIC@UMCVMB.BITNET or LCERIC@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU *4.8* CHAIRS-L@FAUVAX.BITNET Academic Chairpersons Discussion List or CHAIRS-L@ACC.FAU.EDU An unmoderated discussion list dealing with issues and problems that an academic chairperson faces daily. Discussion topics include the chairperson's role and power, faculty development, annual evaluation, tenure and promotion, budgetary problems, affirmative action, grievances, recruitment procedures, and personnel matters. Membership is open free of charge to all interested individuals or organizations. There are no archives as of yet (October 1991). To subscribe, send Email to CHAIRS-REQUEST@ACC.FAU.EDU (BITNET-restricted users send to CHAIRS-REQUEST@FAUVAX) The sole content of the message BODY must be: SUBSCRIBE CHAIRS-L John Q Public To post a message to the list members, address it to: CHAIRS-L@ACC.FAU.EDU or CHAIRS-L@FAUVAX To unsubscribe, send to CHAIRS-REQUEST this command: UNSUBSCRIBE CHAIRS-L Questions and requests for information should be sent to the List Owner. Technical issues should be addressed to the List Manager. List Owner: M Yasar Iscan (Iscan@acc.fau.edu, Iscan@FauVax) List Manager: Ralph P Carpenter (Ralpho@acc.fau.edu, Ralpho@FauVax) *4.9* REGISTRAR-L@CORNELL.EDU Registrars and other Records & Registration Professionals REGISTRAR-L will begin as an unmoderated electronic forum intended to promote sharing of information, experiences, concerns, and advice about issues affecting records & registration professionals. We welcome questions, answers, and discussion about topics of concern, including those subsumed under the following broad areas (but not limited to these areas only): Academic policy and procedure Automated records keeping systems Book reviews (pertaining to the profession) Calendars and scheduling Computer systems Course enrollment Data collection and interpretation Degree Audits Diplomas Drop/Add Electronic mail Enrollment certifications Enrollment Management FAX technology FERPA IPEDS Job announcements and descriptions Meeting and seminar announcements NCAA certification Optical Disk technology Professional Associations Publications and Forms Records Office Management Records Security and Storage Registration systems and logistics Software Transcripts Humanistic, technical, legal, financial, and administrative viewpoints are encouraged. Since this forum will not be moderated, at least initially, contributors should be succinct, should include relevant parts of messages to which they are responding, and should append their names, titles, and institutions to their contribution. Unless otherwise stated, it will be assumed that your contributions represent individual opinion rather than institutional policy. Please note that this is NOT a LISTSERV list. To subscribe (or unsubscribe) to (from) REGISTRAR-L send your request in mail to REGISTRAR-L-REQUEST@CORNELL.EDU Send mail to the list via REGISTRAR-L@CORNELL.EDU Owner: Paul Aucoin Director of Graduate Records Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-6201 Voice (607) 255-5824 FAX (607) 255-1816 BITNET: P22@CORNELLC INTERNET: Paul_Aucoin@Cornell.edu *4.10* CANADA-L on LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA Canadian Issues Forum or LISTSERV@MCGILL1.BITNET Canada-L is a discussion forum for political, social, cultural and economic issues in Canada. To subscribe to CANADA-L send a message or e-mail to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA or LISTSERV@MCGILL1.BITNET with the body containing the command: SUB CANADA-L yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Anastassia Khouri St-Pierre *4.11* EUEARN-L on LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET Computers in Eastern Europe EUEARN-L is a new list devoted to discussion of computers, computer communications and electronic developments in Eastern Europe. It is an attempt to help the new networks in these areas with technical and social advice, and to foster their development. It hopes to smooth the integration of computer networks in Eastern Europe into the world networking system. Eastern Europe is defined roughly as that area between the Baltic and Adriatic/Mediterranean sees, and between the borders of Byelorussia/Ukraine and France/ Switzerland. It is a counterpart to such lists as PLEARN (Polish computing)and SUEARN (Soviet). Earn is the European Academic Research Network. The list is to be a mixture of technical and conversational. The principal language will be English but there will be no objection to the use of languages native to the countries concerned. Where possible, and if the messages are of general rather than individual interest, English summaries should be provided. The list is unmoderated for the time being. The list manager is as below. EUEARN-L is is based at University of Buffalo. Subscriptions should be send to LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET with the following command in the body of the mail: SUB EUEARN-L yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Jan George Frajkor School of Journalism Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 613 788-7404 fax:613 788-5604 *4.12* EC on LISTSERV@IndyCMS.BITNET European Community or LISTSERV@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu EC (European Community) is dedicated to discussion of the European Community, and is open to all interested persons. To subscribe send mail to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET or on the Internet to LISTSERV@IndyCMS.IUPUI.EDU with the following command in the body: SUB EC yourfirstname yourlastname List owner/coordinator: John B Harlan IJBH200@IndyVAX (CREN) IJBH200@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu (Internet) *4.13* Library on ListServ@IndyCMS Libraries & Librarians or ListServ@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu Library (Libraries & Librarians) is dedicated to *general* news and information of interest to libraries, their employees and users. Library seeks to complement and supplement preexisting specialized library-related lists. Library is owned and coordinated by a retired professional archivist and librarian (Donna B Harlan) and an interested lay person and former library paraprofessional (John B Harlan). It is a mother and son project :-) To subscribe to "Library" send e-mail to LISTSERV@INDYCMS on BITNET or ListServ@IndyCMS.IUPUI.EDU on the Internet with the following command in the BODY of the mail: sub library yourfirstname yourlastname List owner/coordinators: Editorial: Donna B Harlan Harlan@IUBACS (CREN) Harlan@UCS.Indiana.Edu (Internet) Administrative: John B Harlan IJBH200@IndyVAX (CREN) IJBH200@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu (Internet) *4.14* CHPOEM-L on LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET Chinese Poems or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU CHPOEM-L is an electronic mailing list devoted to sharing and discussing Chinese poems. To subscribe to CHPOEM-L, send email to either LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. Leave the subject line blank. For the text of the message, enter the following line only (filling in your name as appropriate): SUB CHPOEM-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname Once you have subscribed to the list, you may send email to other subscribers by addressing it to either CHPOEM-L@UBVM.BITNET or CHPOEM-L@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. You can invoke many other useful LISTSERV functions by sending mail to the LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU address, such as: - By default, you will receive copies of any mail you send to the list. If you do not wish to receive copies of your own messages, send email with the message SET CHPOEM-L NOREPRO. - The listserv program keeps automatic weekly archives of mail sent to the list. This allows new subscribers to catch up with previous postings. To get a list of the names of these archive files (called "filetypes" by listserv), send the message INDEX CHPOEM-L. Then, to get a copy of one of these "filetypes", send the message GET CHPOEM-L (filling in the actual filetype, e.g.: GET CHPOEM-L LOG9111B). - To unsubscribe from the list, send the message SIGNOFF CHPOEM-L. UUENCODED GB/Big5 are used for posting. For detailed conventions used for the list and technical info of Chinese computing, please FTP the CHPOEM-L Information File from ahkcus.org - in the directory ./gb/poem. *4.15* WORLD-L on LISTSERV@UBVM Non-Eurocentric World History or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU The WORLD-L is a forum for the discussion of the teaching, methodology, and theory of a scientific and non-Eurocentric world history. It aims to hold regular electronic conferences related to the purpose of the list. Archives of WORLD-L and related files are stored in the WORLD-L FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the command INDEX WORLD-L to LISTSERV@UBVM or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU as the first line in the body of a mail message (not the Subject: line). To subscribe to WORLD-L, send the command SUB WORLD-L yourfirstname yourlastname to LISTSERV@UBVM or LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU via a mail message (again, as the first line in the body of the mail, not the Subject: line). For example: SUB WORLD-L John Doe Owner: Haines Brown BROWNH@CTSTATEU.BITNET *4.16* GARDENS on LISTSERV@UKCC Gardens and gardening or LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU The purpose of Gardens & Gardening is to promote and exchange information about home gardening. Everyone is welcome to participate, especially the novice gardener. Topics will include vegetable gardens, herbs, flowers, ornamental gardening, container gardening, and so on. Since this is such a broad topic, we may, at a later date, divide the list into various groups, such as indoor and outdoor gardening. If you wish to subscribe to GARDENS, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU, or BITNET nodes can send to LISTSERV@UKCC. The message should contain only the following command (ie. in the body of the mail): SUBSCRIBE GARDENS yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Crovo@UKCC (Bob Crovo) Editor@UKCC (Marguerite Floyd) Notebooks: yes public weekly *4.17* AFRICA-L on LISTSERV@BRUFPB.BITNET Forum Pan-Africa A Pan-African forum for the discussion of the interests of African peoples (in Africa, and expatriate), and for those with an interest in the African continent and her peoples. Of special interest will be ways to help facilitate the flow of communications (electronic and other) to and from Africa. News, light-hearted discussions, and cultural and educational items are welcome. To subscribe to AFRICA-L send the following message to LISTSERV@BRUFPB: (Note that this is a BITNET address) SUBSCRIBE AFRICA-L your name and your African interests SET AFRICA-L REPRO For example, subscribe africa-l J. Smith Togo set africa-l repro To obtain a list of current subscribers, send the message "review africa-l" to LISTSERV@BRUFPB.BITNET . List Owner: Carlos Fernando Nogueira (CTEDTC09@BRUFPB) *4.19* SEASIA-L on LISTSERV@MSU Southeast Asian Studies or LISTSERV@MSU.EDU SEASIA-L is designed to facilitate communication between researchers, scholars, students, teachers, and other people interested in Southeast Asian studies with an emphasis on current events. For this list, Southeast Asia is loosely defined as Burma/Myanmar across to Hong Kong and down through Australia and New Zealand. To subscribe to SEASIA-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@MSU via mail text or interactive message: SUBSCRIBE SEASIA-L yourfirstname yourlastname For example: SUBSCRIBE SEASIA-L Joan Fu Owner: Elliott Parker BITNET: 3ZLUFUR@CMUVM Journalism Dept. Internet: 3zlufur@cmuvm.csv.cmich.edu Central Michigan University Compuserve: 70701,520 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 USA *4.20* FEMREL-L on LISTSERV@UMCVMB.BITNET Women and Religion FEMREL-L is an open discussion and resource list concerning women & religion and feminist theology. Our goal is open, stimulating discussion on any and all issues pertaining to these topics. All religions, creeds, beliefs, opinions, etc. are welcome, although we do ask that participants respect differences. To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@UMCVMB via mail or interactive message: SUB FEMREL-L your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your name. For example: SUB FEMREL-L Joan Doe Submissions to the list should be sent to: FEMREL-L@UMCVMB.BITNET Owners: Cathy Quick Bonnie Vegiard ********************** * 5.0 Administrivia ********************* * ********************** * BITNET USERHELP is an introductory document to help the new * * network user understand the different network services and * * how to use them. You can get a copy by sending the command * * SENDME BITNET USERHELP to LISTSERV@BITNIC. * * * * To subscribe to NetMonth, send the command * * SUBSCRIBE NETMONTH to LISTSERV@MARIST. * * You can unsubscribe by sending the command UNSUB NETMONTH. * * * * The archives of NetMonth are available on LISTSERV@MARIST * * or LISTSERV@BITNIC. Send the command GET NETMONTH FILELIST * * for a complete list of holdings. Archives are available * * via anonymous FTP on FTP.UNT.EDU in the pub/netmonth * * directory. * * * * Your editorials, articles, and letters are encouraged * * (indeed, sought after). Send your ideas and letters to the * * Netmonth Editor (NMONTHED@UNTVM1). * *****************************************************************