* * * * * ** * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** ******* * * * ***** ****** ******* ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** * * * ***** * * * * * * * * The monthly guide to BITNET servers and services * * * * Volume 1 Number 5 November 1986 * * * * Editor: Chris Condon BITLIB@YALEVMX * * * * Bitnotes .................................................. 1 * * Announcing TexMaG ......................................... 3 * * The New File Server UBSERVE@UBVMSA ........................ 4 * * More Questions Answered ................................... 4 * * The Unlicensed Zone ....................................... 8 * * Relay and Compuserve CB Chat User Survey .................. 9 * * New Mailing Lists ........................................ 11 * * Feedback ................................................. 14 * * * * ~ * * [ @ / /*[ * * ^( /*[ )^ *** * * $ [*/ * * ^( [*/ )^ ___V___ + ] + * * / @ [ ][[ [[ ] / []/ [ * * ] [[ [[] + ] + * * ] [[ [] [ []/ / [ /][ / * * + ] + ][ [[ ] + ] + * * *-[[]//-* ][[ [[ ] / /][ [ * * > +--+--+ < ] [[ [[] + ] + * * *-//][[-* ] [[ [] * * + ] + ][ [[ ] ____ _[ A /_ * * ][[ [[ ] / [ [ [Y/ / * * (( )) =+> * * ____________[_______/_______[____/ /_ /A[ _[ * * jro [_______________________________/ / V [ * * * ******************************************************************* A complete list of servers and services is available from any NETSERV file server as the file named BITNET SERVERS. News, article submissions, additions to the list of servers and services, subscription requests, and Letters to the Editor should be sent to BITLIB @ YALEVMX. (ARPANET: BITLIB%YALEVMX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU) Subscribers to NetMonth are also sent BITNET SERVERS updates. Printing this file: VM users can print this magazine with page breaks by first copying or renaming it to NETMONTH LISTING and then printing that file with your local file printing command. ------------------------------------------------------------------- FuzzyBytes Electronic Publishing "Because We're Here." 1 Page 1 ************************************************************************* * Bitnotes Issue 5 * *************************************************************************** To be honest, I couldn't think of much to mention in this month's Bitnotes... because nothing much was happening. There were bits of interesting news arriving in my electronic mailbox, but not the exiting items of which scathing (or at least interesting) editorials are made. Luckily, at the last moment, I received this: ========================================================================= Received: by BITNIC (Mailer X1.23b) id 1280; Wed, 19 Nov 86 14:59:34 EST Received: by UTCVM (Mailer X1.23) id 4839; Wed, 19 Nov 86 14:57:21 EST Sender: (JEFF@UTCVM) via List Processor Reply-to: Distribution List From: JEFF@UTCVM Subject: Public Relay Clone To: CHRIS CONDON (Distribution: UG-L) Without going into the long background, there is a publicly available Relay EXEC floating around and multiplying. It started at DDAESA10, the the author's node, and has appeared on UMCVMB, INDYCMS, and other sites. This version is *not* Relay, nor an old version of Relay; I have checked the code and it is a scratch version (I won't critique it). It does no node checking, service area checks, time checks, nor does it currently link to its peers. It is basically a straight, old-style chat with the command and output format cloned from the 'real' Relay. I have seen logs of the DDAESA10 one being 'linked' to others but this is not the version that is going around. Now, it is not for me to say "Oh, lets squash this vile creature" or make any decisions regarding any action to take. However, I want it clear and quite plainly understood that I am in *NO* *WAY* affiliated with it, and I don't want any complications caused by this affair to be construed as a reflection on the 'real' Relay servers. Please feel free to forward this information to whatever appropriate people you deem necessary. ========================================================================= Now, Jeff is very kind not to suggest that these old-style chats be squashed, considering that these servers undermine all of the work that he and and many others put into Relay over the course of more than a year. Needless to say, I will not be listing these Relay-impostors in BITNET SERVERS. Therefore... if you hear of one of these old-style Chat machines running at a nearby node, ignore it. Better yet, bring it to the attention of an operator or system administrator at that node. You will be doing yourself, your friends, and the BITNET community a big favor. 1 Page 2 Speaking of Relay, in this issue of NetMonth you will find a questionnaire for Relay and Compuseve CB users by John Cook. You are encouraged to complete the survey and return it to UD118169@NDSUVM1. If John permits, we will print the results in a future issue. Thanks to Oren Yulevitch for suggesting that I print the questionnaire. *************************************************************************** Another intersting piece of mail: ========================================================================= Received: by BITNIC (Mailer X1.23b) id 3448; Tue, 18 Nov 86 16:12:09 EDT Date: Tue, 18 Nov 86 16:08:25 EDT Sender: (EXCMTE@BITNIC) via List Processor Reply-to: Distribution List X-From: BITNET Executive Committee Subject: FINAL TALLY ON BITNET CHARTER VOTE To: CHRISTOPHER CONDON (Distribution: LIAISON) The following note was originally sent by Ira Fuchs, the Chairman of the BITNET Executive Committee, to the BITNET Institutional Representatives. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FORWARDED MESSAGE 11/17/86 09:46 FROM FUCHS: Election results The final tally for the vote on the BITNET charter was: 137 YES 45 NO These votes come from more than 80% of the 224 eligible institutions. The Executive Committee will be meeting on December 3rd at Newark Airport to proceed with the EDUCOM agreement, the process for election of the 6 Executive Committee members, and a variety of other issues. BITNET institutional representatives are invited to attend. An announcement of the meeting together with a tentative agenda will be sent to the current BITDIRS list. ========================================================================= Last month the BITNET Executive Committee answered your questions, and this month they will answer some more. The article is appropriately titled, "More Questions Answered by the BITNET Executive Committee". Once again, thanks to Judy Molka for allowing me to print these articles. *************************************************************************** Other Good Stuff... Don Hosek has started editing TeXMaG, a new electronic magazine for users of the TeX computer typesetting program. We'll have a preview of that, as well as a look at a new magazine known as "The Unlicenced Zone". 1 Page 3 We'll have a look at UBSERVE@UBVMSA, the second file server running on a VAX (the first was KERMSRV in Toronto). Don't forget to read the Feedback column, because there is a letter there from Michele Robinson about some changes to CSNEWS@MAINE. Thanks to Frank Ford and Alex Nishri for this notice: There is a new list list server at University of Toronto (LISTSERV@UTORONTO). Which reminds me, somewhere in this issue is the ever-popular article on new mailing lists. Until next time... + ] + In terra [ []/ / pax Chris hominibus BITLIB@YALEVMX / /][ [ bonae + ] + voluntatis ************************************************************************* * Announcing TeXMaG * *************************************************************************** Announcing TeXMaG: An electronic magazine for users of the TeX computer typesetting program. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Issue: December 7, 1986 Proposed Contents: Examples on learning to use TeX. Advanced TeX programming. A forum for problems, inquiries into availability of software and macro packages. Announcements of new formats and macros available, including publication of shorter macros. Hopefully, a centralized file server will be set up for distribution of Public Domain TeX macros, utilities, etc... Send subscription requests, article submissions, letters, and comments to: Don Hosek + ] + *-[[]//-* > +--+--+ < *-//][[-* + ] + 1 Page 4 ************************************************************************* * The New File Server UBSERVE@UBVMSA * *************************************************************************** James R. Gerland has set up a file server at the State University of New York at Buffalo, UBSERVE@UBVMSA. It responds to the following commands: SEND . - sends a certian file. For example: SEND FOR016.DAT DIR - sends a list of available files ************************************************************************* * More Questions Answered by The BITNET Executive Committee * *************************************************************************** Q6. Suppose a large institution also has a TCP/IP backbone network with good connectivity among its host computers and is already pushing ARPANet access to the supercomputers, etc. What will be the cost of using BITNET only via an ARPA gateway? A6. It is important to keep in mind that ARPANet use, although less restricted than before, is not totally open. Specifically, although NSF may open ARPANet up to use by scientists requiring access to the supercomputer centers, there is no plan currently which would open ARPANet to the social sciences, humanities, or university administrators. Q7. Why does the proposed Compact have EDUCOM voting members on the Policy Board, with EDUCOM being the sole executive agency for BITNET? A7. EDUCOM retains the financial risk of the BITNIC. If members drop out of BITNET, or the fee structure fails to raise enough revenue to cover expenses, EDUCOM must cover the deficit. The converse, however, is not true: if the fee structure overrecovers, EDUCOM must escrow the surplus against future BITNET expenses. The EDUCOM Board of Trustees is justifiably concerned about a financial exposure. The sole executive clause moderates this risk by at least guaranteeing that while EDUCOM is doing any work for BITNET, it will have the opportunity to do all work BITNET is sub-contracting. Further, the EDUCOM Board has a legitimate concern that the BITNIC not be set in such a way that it cannot succeed. Both of these issues mean EDUCOM needs to protect its own interest with BITNET. The Executive Committee agreed, and felt that adding two EDUCOM votes to an 11 member board would not shift control, but would allow for appropriate influence. _[ A /_ [ [Y/ / =+> /_ /A[ _[ / V [ 1 Page 6 Q8. How will performance of the BITNIC be monitored? A8. It is critical that BITNIC be accountable to BITNET, including a strong mechanism for providing the Executive Committee and BITNIC with feedback as to what is going well and what could be improved. This point has been heard, and will be reflected specifically in the revised charter and compact. Q9. How will fees be set "to meet the expenses estimated by EDUCOM" for carrying out the services requested by the Policy Board? A9. The sentence "On the basis of this plan and other supporting documentation, the Policy Board will conduct a full review of all BITNIC services." was specifically included to make clear that the Policy Board can drop services proposed by the BITNIC. Q10. Why will EDUCOM hold the registration of BITNET? A10. BITNET has no legal standing and therefore cannot register the trademark. It was the opinion of the Executive Committee that EDUCOM registering the name and promising it to BITNET in the event of dissolution was preferable to one of the schools doing so, or worse, a commercial enterprise grabbing it before we decided what to do. If the Compact is dissolved, BITNET will clearly have to contract with or create another legal entity which could then become the caretaker of the name. Q11. Why is a full year required to cancel the compact? A11. Abrupt dissolution of the compact would be catastrophic for both organizations (as it would be today without a compact) - there will be a high incentive on both parties to find a satisfactory solution in the case of a serious impasse. The sense of the Executive Committee was that the one year was acceptable. Again, EDUCOM is taking a risk, because BITNET is not a legal entity, and if it simply abrogated the Compact, EDUCOM's legal recourse is not obvious. First and foremost, this relationship relies on the good faith of the BITNET community. A successful relationship will require regular communication, hence the Policy Board, including EDUCOM in the discussion process. Q12. Apparently, alternate proposals for a BITNIC have been proposed by several academic institutions. Have these been considered by the BITNET Executive Committee? What is their status? A12. Interest has been expressed in alternatives to the BITNET Executive Committee's proposed BITNIC. None of this interest has been translated into a full-scale proposal, though one does outline some services and a proposed budget. The main concern in all cases has been budgetary. The budget proposed for the BITNIC has been carefully scrutinized. It has been measured against the network support budget of CSNET and against the staffing of EARN and has fared extremely well. Questions about the overhead charges, stemming from lack of information on the part of some members of the BITNET community, have been more than adequately addressed (see QUES01 EXCOMM on NICSERVE. 1 Page 7 In the judgment of the current Executive Committee, an EDUCOM-run BITNIC is the best choice at this time. If serious alternate proposals are made at a future date to a newly constituted committee, they will receive full consideration. (Such proposals will be encouraged and open to formal bid from the entire BITNET community following this first cycle of formalizing BITNET.) The claim being made, without substantiation, is that a BITNIC based at an academic institution is inherently less expensive than the BITNIC proposed by the Executive Committee. The only suggested budgets we have seen have been sketchy and have figures that seem clearly to reflect centralized subsidies in the form of "giving away overhead." Only when a full-scale budget and service offering is proposed and documented can a cost comparison and true evaluation of alternatives be made. However, budgetary considerations are not all there is to a proposal. There are also the services being offered, the priority given to these services, and the level of accountability of the service organization. The BITNIC services proposed by the Executive Committee are what we have judged, after many hours of deliberation, to be the minimal set of services required to keep BITNET running and to allow for the addition of new nodes and new members. The range of services proposed constitutes a cut from what is in fact being provided now. Any alternate proposal must justify that the services offered are sufficient to meet the needs of the networking community and not just the needs of small, albeit active, segments of that community. No suggestions to date in any way address those issues. At an academic institution, BITNIC services would be one among many priorities, and clearly less rather than more if push comes to shove. By contrast, the Executive Committee's proposed EDUCOM-run BITNIC will succeed or fail based solely on the performance of a set of administrative and computing professionals whose only job is to provide BITNIC services. The notion of priorities can also be approached from a different perspective. The services offered to BITNET must be network-wide services, conceived and implemented with the broader interests of BITNET in mind. Those representing academic institutions have an inherent conflict in representing local versus network-wide priorities, especially when those at higher administrative levels are backing local concerns. Basing the BITNIC at EDUCOM would reduce the likelihood of such conflicts. Finally, a BITNIC based at an academic institution - to the extent that it is centrally subsidized, partly volunteer, and a part of a large organization - falls short on accountability. A BITNIC housed at EDUCOM would be funded solely by membership fees and would be a substantial component of its parent organization. EDUCOM is already funded in large part by membership fees and has a high stake in maintaining successful working relationships with academia for almost all of its current activities. The accountability of an EDUCOM-run BITNIC extends throughout the institution itself. 1 Page 8 ************************************************************************* * The Unlicenced Zone * *************************************************************************** $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $*************************************************************************$ $* *$ $* THE UNLICENSED ZONE *$ $* *$ $*************************************************************************$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "An experiment in online publishing" edited by Paul McGinnis (MCGINNIS@MIRRIM) Message from editor of The Unlicensed Zone: What we've got here is a newsletter that will be published once in a while. I don't even know how many issues there will be. Somehow, if you are reading this, you got on the mailing lists. Goddess only knows why you are there! If you wish to be taken off the list or if you are reading this from somewhere else and would like to subscribe, leave mail to MCGINNIS@MIRRIM (that's on Bitnet for those of you who didn't know). "What is this?" you are probably saying to yourself...UNLICENSED ZONE is a random collection of opinion, gossip, misc. ravings, libelous remarks, etc. User contributions gratefully accepted, but you get full credit (or blame) and the only editing I might do is for reasons of size. If you feel like calling the President of the US a fascist from Mars, you will be allowed to do so...after all,this is a FREE PRESS...Meese Commission take note! *************************************************************************** Message from the editor of NetMonth: To give you a taste of the sort of things you will see in TUZ, here is a a sample. I am NOT responsible for this... DETERIORATA Go placidly amid the noise and waste, And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof. Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep. Rotate your tires. Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself, And heed well their advice -- even though they be turkeys. Know what to kiss -- and when. Remember that two wrongs never make a right, But that three do. Wherever possible, put people on 'HOLD'. Be comforted, that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment, And despite the changing fortunes of time, There is always a big future in computer maintenance. 1 Page 9 ************************************************************************* * Questionnaire for Relay and Compuserve CB Users by John Cook * *************************************************************************** I am studying the prevailing community standards for the use of "chat" services, such as the university-sponsored RELAY. I am doing this in support of the course requirements for a graduate level Ethics class. You have been contacted because of the likelihood of of you being a user of RELAY or of some other "chat" service. In the event you are a "chat" user, I would be interested in knowing your views on various rules of conduct that might be applied to the use of "chat" services. In addition, I would like to know how much you value some of the actual and potential benefits of these services. Place this questionnaire in your file editor and enter your responses by typing A, B, C or D in the left hand column. There are no right or wrong answers, only certain choices that you believe in rather than others. Once you have completed the questionnaire, please send it to me, John Cook (UD118169@NDSUVM1) as a file or as a letter. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT send your questionnaire answers to the NetMonth editor!!!!! The confidentiality of your participation will be ensured by discarding your name and any other identifying information in the process of storing the data. The findings of this study will be made available to all respondents. SECTION I: How strongly do you believe the following rules ought to apply? ___________________________________________________________________________ A. not at all B. somewhat C. strongly D. very strongly ___________________________________________________________________________ ____ 1. Users should not present themselves as someone other than who they really are. ____ 2. Users should register their true names and identities before signing onto the system. ____ 3. Users should not use "handles" or "nicknames" that are sexually provocative. ____ 4. Users should not share the details of their own intimate, personal relationships on a public channel. ____ 5. Users should not share the details of other people's intimate personal relationships on a public channel. 1 Page 10 ____ 6. Four-letter swear words or profanities of any kind should not be used. ____ 7. Users should not "scan" private channels or otherwise attempt to break in on private conversations. ____ 8. Users should not pursue face-to-face meetings with other users, unless the other users also want to meet. ____ 9. Users should show good judgement in sending messages and should stop sending them when others find them offensive. ____ 10. Users should not knowingly use another person's "handle" or "nickname". SECTION II: How much do you (or would you, if it were possible) value the following benefits of a CB or chat service? ___________________________________________________________________________ A. not at all B. somewhat C. strongly D. very strongly ___________________________________________________________________________ ____ 1. experimenting with taking on identities not my own ____ 2. making one or two good friends ____ 3. meeting people to whom I am sexually attracted ____ 4. getting free advice about computers ____ 5. finding out about people in different parts of the world ____ 6. being able to say things I might not otherwise say ____ 7. sharing sexual fantasies with others ____ 8. finding out about other people's personal lives ____ 9. being on an equal footing with all other users ____ 10. being able to pass time or break away from routine ____ 11. sharing information related to professional interests ____ 12. sharing information about non-work related interests ____ 13. finding a partner in a long-term romantic relationship ____ 14. having large numbers of friends 1 Page 11 SECTION III: YOUR AGE: _______ SEX: ___ OCCUPATION: ______________________ HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION: ____________________________________ I AM A: 1.___ a RELAY user 2.___ a PSYCHNET subscriber 3.___ a member of COMSERVE 4.___ a COMPUSERVE CB user 5.___ a NetMonth subscriber Thank you for your participation. John Cook ************************************************************************* * New Mailing Lists * *************************************************************************** P4200@DEVVAX.TN.CORNELL.EDU This list is for discussion of Proteon's P4200-series gateway products. Topics include capabilities, bugs, bug fixes, and also the generation of lists of requirements for Proteon. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to P4200-REQUEST@DEVVAX.TN.CORNELL.EDU. Coordinator: Scott Brim ADVISE-L%CANADA01.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion among students who work part-time at the various university computer centers. It is particularly intended for people who work as student advisors or consultants, although others are welcome. Another use of the list is to get help from others on problems that might be encountered, or to let users know about new things such as new file servers, so that everyone can put the network to the best possible use. The list is served by 5 servers: ADVISE-L@UTORONTO, ADVISE-L@CANADA01, ADVISE-L@NCSUVM, ADVISE-L@UGA, and MD4F@CMUCCVMA. These servers are peer linked so that anything sent to one will be the others automatically. ADVISE-L@NCSUVM is probably the closest server to the WISCVM ARPA gateway. To subscribe to the list: From a VM site on BITNET type: TELL LISTSERV at CANADA01 SUBSCRIBE ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not your userid). 1 Page 12 From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command. If you are at a site not on BINET or you cannot send interactive messages you can send a mail message to: LISTSERV%CANADA01.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU where the first non-header line consists of: SUBSCRIBE ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name Please refer any questions to the Coordinator. Coordinator: Scott Campbell COMPOS01@ULKYVX The Composition Digest is a moderated weekly newsgroup for the study of computers and writing, specifically writing instruction in computer-based classrooms. It is intended to be a forum for writing professionals (those who use computers for their writing) and computing professionals (those who design the hardware and software that writers depend upon) to meet and discuss issues relevant to both fields, but notes are also welcome from novice computer writers. There is interest in articles pertaining to, but not limited by, the following topics: Human/Factors research and writing environments Text editor design Natural Language adjuncts to writing instruction Writing without paper Psychological effects of computer writing/instruction Composition theory applied to computer-based instruction Anecdotal accounts of computer writing experiences Using the NET in the classroom Computer-based conferences Public domain software for the classroom Reviews of writing and editing packages Conference announcements and proceedings Telecommunications and its effects on language Computers and the soft sciences Computers and hearing impaired students Computers and learning disabled students Computers and basic writers Computers and humanists Computers and writing professionals All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to COMPOS01@ULKYVX. 1 Page 13 ESPERANTO@LLL-CRG.ARPA A forum for people interested in the neutral international language Esperanto. Discussions about the language itself, the Esperanto movement, publications, and news are encouraged. f course, discussion *in* Esperanto is especially encouraged, although English translations may be advisable when the material is of interest to beginners or non-Esperantists. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to to ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA. Coordinator: Mike Urban HANDHELDS@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA Mailing list for those who are interested in handheld computers or programmable calculators. The mailing list can be used to distribute or request programs. Messages are not moderated at this time. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to HANDHELDS-REQUEST@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA Coordinator: David Edwards INFO-PROTEON@UXC.CSO.UIUC.EDU For discussions about Proteon network products: the P4200 IP level gateway, protocol converters (DECnet TCP/IP, etc), 80 Mbit hardware, etc. Discussions about network topologies for making best use of Proteon rings will be encouraged. Other topics include vendor relations, source code availability, implementation details, etc. All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-PROTEON-REQUEST@UXC.CSO.UIUC.EDU Coordinator: Paul Pomes * * * * * * * *** * * * ** * ** * * * *** * * * * * * * 1 Page 14 ************************************************************************* * Feedback * *************************************************************************** Received: from MAINE(MAILER) by YALEVMX (Mailer X1.23b) id 6193; Sat, 15 Nov 86 17:15:06 EST Received: by MAINE (Mailer X1.23) id 1584; Sat, 15 Nov 86 17:10:15 EST Subject: Reorganization of CSNEWS disks... To: Chris Condon , et al From: Michele Robinson Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1986 17:04 EST Everything has changed around a little bit on CSNEWS. Many new disks have been added (lots more space YA!) and you can't just do a SENDME anymore for most things. For instance to get copies of VM/COm you have to do: TELL CSNEWS AT MAINE (or whatever your local messaging procedure) SENDME Vn-m LISTING FROM EMAGS all CSNOTICES are now on the CSBB disk and you would have to a: SENDME topic CSNOTICE FROM CSBB the COMDISK works the way it always did. Just thought you guys might be interested in knowing how to get at things again. - Michele Robinson Editor, VM/Com ************************************************************************* * NetMonth Policies * *************************************************************************** If you have questions or comments about BITNET or NetMonth that you would like printed here, mail your letter to BITLIB@YALEVMX. Make sure that you specify in the "Subject:" header or somewhere in the letter that it is for the NetMonth letters column. This doesn't mean that your letter will be printed, but it helps. Your opinion counts! Article Submissions: The only requirements for NetMonth articles are that they be informative, interesting, and deal with BITNET services (or any other good BITNET related topics). The editor will inform you of any changes to your writing and will submit them for your approval, deadlines permitting. Send your articles to BITLIB@YALEVMX. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FuzzyBytes Electronic Publishing "Because We're Here."