S P E C I A L F I R S T A N N I V E R S A R Y I S S U E ________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _______ ___ / › VOLUME 5 NUMBER 4 MAY 30, 1986 / › The weekly list of active file servers, list servers, name servers, relays, / database servers, internet digests, and electronic magazines. › +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Please send additions, deletions, and requests to get on the mailing list ³ ³ to the Editor: Chris Condon, BITLIB@YALEVMX ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ +-----------³ ³-----------+ ³ Bitnotes: ³ Featuring The Year in BITNET: May 1985 - May 1986 ³ Issue #52 ³ +-----------³ ³-----------+ +---------------------------------------------------+ "Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite." - R.A.H Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here... Fify-two weeks. It boggles the mind, no? Fifty-two weeks ago I wasn't planning to produce a weekly electronic magazine. I simply mailed a list of servers I knew about to five or six of my BITNET friends, requesting that they a) tell me if anything was missing from the list and b) that they send a copy to anyone they thought would be interested. The mailing list is now 250 readers long, still growing in leaps and bounds. It just happened. Eventually I noticed what was going on and took advantage of it, turning the list into a magazine, and enjoying myself tremendously in the process. About issue thirty or so I decided that I wanted to something special for a First Anniversary Issue. If you haven't noticed, this is IT. Enjoy... Chris BITLIB@YALEVMX ************************************************************************* * The Year In BITNET: May 1985 - May 1986 * ***************************************************************************** Don't get the idea that this history is all-inclusive. It's not. It covers the ups and downs of the file servers, conference machines, name servers, Relays, etc. in the past year. These bits and pieces come directly from the Bitnotes section of the last 51 issues of Bitlist. Sort of a stroll down memory lane... >July 5,1985 SERVER@UOGUELPH is a new file server at the Univerity of Guelph in Canada. It does things in very much the same way that CANSERVE@CANADA01 did them, but differently enough that you should issue the HELP command to it anyway. CANSERVE, on the other hand, is very different than it was before and rates a definite must-look. >July 12, 1985 CSDEPT@MAINE has been eaten up by CSNEWS@MAINE. CSDEPT is still there in a brain damaged sort of way but for all intents and purposes CSNEWS will do pretty much what CSDEPT did before, plus its ususal functions. Of course we can sit on our hands until the new documentation comes out. Keep that old old CSDEPT documentation handy! >July 18, 1985 Much thanks to Barry Gates for telling me about GRAND@CUNYVM, @BITNIC and @QUEENS. It looks as if GRANDs will be springing up everwhere soon. I haven't put it in the list yet because I'm not really sure what it is. It calls itself a conferencing system, but it is not a conference machine. What it seems to work like is the FLAME command on CSNEWS, or a glorified file server or God-Knows-What. It seems pretty interesting but I think it will take some getting used to. >July 25, 1985 Huge thanks to Jeff Kell for all of the info he sent me on the RELAY system. RELAYs seem to be breeding faster than rabbits and will probobly make chat machines like HELPDESK obsolete eventually. Having a Chat at your own node is just TOO fast. >August 2, 1985 "Unfortunately, GRAND is currently in a testing phase, and is not available for remote (non-CUNYVM) use. It will be available to a wider range of users at some future time, but it is hard to estimate when that time will be. Anyway, when that time does come, you will be more than welcome to use GRAND." >August 8, 1985 Thanks to Edgar Schwietzke and Henry Nussbacher for telling me about DATABASE@BITNIC. DATABASE is a (you guessed it!) database server. >August 30, 1985 If things keep up like this the RELAY network is going to rate it's own magazine. Yes, folks, with this issue RELAYs outnumber every other category. >October 4, 1985 The big prize goes to Steve Wall (Snoopy) for his info on two name servers at the Rochester Institute of Technology. They are LOOKUP@RITVAXC and LOOKUP@RITVAXD. Both of them operate the same way (although they provide info on different users) and will respond to the /HELP command to get you started. >October 11, 1985 NYSHARE@WEIZMANN is closed to BITNET connections because some idiot decided to tell NYSHARE to ship him the whole disk. This didn't do WEIZMANN or the people that run the server any good, and it certainly didn't do the rest of us any good. I am partialy responsible this, having gotten the information about the server from a WEIZMANN person without checking with the people who run it. Putting it in the 'list made the information available to the idiot mentioned above. >October 18, 1985 LFCNET@ICNUCEVM is running at the National University Computer Center in Pisa. It also serves as a bulletin board/forum similar to the CSNEWS bulletin board. Speaking of LFCNET, Back issues of Tom Benson's COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH AND THEORY (CRTNET) are available from there as the file CRTNET VOL1N1-8. Mailing list information is included. The primary functions of the group are to explore the uses of computer networking to link students, scholars and practitioners who share an interest in human communication. >November 1, 1985 FORUM@BITNIC is now included in the file servers section since it now perates operates as both a files server and a conference machine. I was wondering why it was still around while RELAY is working so well. In any case, one of the things you can get from FORUM are back issues of NutWorks, "the greatest invention since the rope". Subscription info is included and the editors are open to article submissions as long as they don't make any sense. >November 8, 1985 The latest issue of the BITLIST will now be available from the NETSERV file servers as BITNET SERVERS. The new issue should arrive every Friday, just like always. Many of the back issues of the 'list are available from SERVER@TAMCBA. If there is some back issue that you would like to look at that isn't there, just drop me a note. Old issues are kind of obsolete, but they are interesting from a historical standpoint. >November 15, 1985 As of 06:00 a.m EST November 11, 1985 the Cornell Relay MAS@CORNELLC passed away. There is a remote chance that will be resurrected someday, but until then it no longer appears in the list. HELPDESK@TAMVM1 doesn't seem to be there anymore. If nobody noticed until now I don't think there will be many tears. For us heavy network users on the east coast it was too far away to be very fast. By the time anybody heard heard about it RELAY was on it's way up. (Pre-BITLIST days, folks.) >November 22, 1985 Once upon a time in the deep dark reaches of the past there was a conference machine called ALAN@NCSUVM, run by the one and only Alan Clegg. That was a long time ago, maybe even six months, a long long time when you are talking about the lives of conference machines. It seems that some poor misinformed souls still think that it is a chat. Alas, it is not. North Carolina State has it's own Relay machine now, and the conference machine ALAN is dead as a doornail. Mr. Clegg is alive and well and wishes to compute with his userid, but must find it very difficult when people send him messages like /HELP. Enough said? For the next few weeks MAS@CORNELLA, the Relay that was reported dead last week, will rise from the dead on weekends from 6:00pm EST on Fridays until Mondays at 6:00am. Now the really good news: Guy Sirton has told me that NYSHARE@WEIZMANN is once again open to all of BITNET on a test basis. Please don't go crazy and ask for 30 files in five minutes. That would only result in it being closed up again. >December 6, 1985 I have been getting a lot of letters lately which tell me that the Relay MAS@CORNELLC is really alive after all, but only at night and on weekends. Sounds like a vampire to me. (-36 on the Clever scale) In any case, one of the letters was qualified by the words "as long as the money holds out" or something to that effect. This strikes me as a very temporary situation and I know that if I put it in the list this week the funds will run out and I will have to run the funeral all over again. >December 13, 1985 MAS@CORNELLC was up and running at 11:03 am which is contrary to everything I have been told about it. It is back in the list, hopefully to stay. >December 20, 1985 "FFFHHHIIIVVEEE TTTHHHEEEVVVEEENNNTTTEEEEEENNN PEEEE EEEEMMM *pop*!" >December 27, 1985 There is no news this week. None, zero, zilch. Nada. Nothing. I would bet that this has something to do with the Holiday season, but what do I know? >January 8, 1986 "The Cornell Relay has been shut down forever due to the misuse of BITNET by some hackers in West Germany who discussed their trade on the Relay. It is Cornell's desire to not be associated with the Relay system in the future." >January 17, 1986 FORUM@BITNIC has not been up lately. I'm trying to find out what the situation is. Really, I am. >January 24, 1986 FORUM@BITNIC is now dead. This poses a few problems, since some of BITNETs electronic magazines were stored there via FORUMs file server function. That leaves us with two old style conference machines, CERITOR@TECHNION and SERVER@TAMCBA. Only six months ago there were as many as seven of these machines running. My, how times change. Of course, in that time the number of RELAYs has tripled, if not quadrupled. >January 30, 1986 For more infromation on the mailing lists available via BITNIC's LISTSERV you may request the file LISTSERV GROUPS from the file server NICSERVE@BITNIC. Please note that all LISTSERVs are not the same. LISTSERV@NCSUVM was written entirely by the (in)famous Alan Clegg and does not operate in the same manner as the one at BITNIC. Nor do the list servers maintain the same mailing lists. Information on how to use LISTSERV@NCSUVM may be obtained by issuing the HELP command. There is a new file server/conference machine at Texas A & M University, FORUM@TAMCBA. This is the new home of CLUB magazine. >February 14, 1986 Just after BITLIST 3-12 went to the presses a note from John Voigt arrived in my reader announcing the availability of the file server TCSSERVE@TCSVM. A marvelous event, a new file server... something that doesn't happen often enough. So I smiled and prepared to add it to this weeks 'list. Tuesday I strolled over to my electronic mailbox. What did I find but a note note from Henry Nussbacher. He passed on to me the announcement of new info servers in Arpanet. Stupendous... two new file servers in the same week! Who could ask for anything more? So... Wednsday I checked my mail, not expecting to find much. Of course Harri Salminen sent me the news about the new file server at Helsinki Univer- sity, SILMARIL@FINHUTC. Absolutely Tremendous...! Three file server announ- cements in the same week... >February 20, 1986 The conference machine CERITOR@TECHNION is now known as CERNEWS@TECHNION. Otherwise it functions the same as before. >February 28, 1986 According to Jeffrey Kell there are two new Relay conference machines, RELAY@CANADA01 (University of Guelph) and RLY@CORNELLC (Cornell University). Those of you who followed the drama of the old Cornell Relay (MAS) several issues back know what this must be doing to me. Hopefully this one will stay active. I am told that it is an official id created for just that purpose, so the chances are good. >March 7, 1986 SERVER@TAMCBA is no longer a conference machine. It operates only as a file server now. >March 27, 1986 You may notice that there is a new file server, UH-INFO@UHUPVM1. UH-INFO is different from other file servers because it really contains two subservers: ACSNET (Academic Computing) and PSYCHNET (Psychology). >April 4, 1986 The conference machine CERNEWS@TECHNION has been shut down. This is due, of all things, to lack of use. This leaves us with one old-style conference machine, FORUM@TAMCBA. I don't think I need to tell you that this was caused by the popularity of the RELAY conference machine system. >April 17, 1986 NDCSNEWS@NDSUVM1 is a new name server provided by the North Dakota State Univeristy Higher Education Computing Network. >April 25, 1986 If you look carefully at the header of this magazine you will notice that the reference to conference machines is missing. That signals the demise of the conference machine section of the BITLIST, and the end of an era. Yes, the the last of the old-style, non-Relay, chats is no longer active. It doesn't seem likely that there will be any more. Relay has simply driven those old chats out of busines. If you recall, this whole thing started about a year ago when Henry Nussbacher pointed out the bad characteristics of the single node chats (mainly high system load and a heavy burden on the links surrounding the host node). In response to this the Relay conference machine network came into being, which was more or less a chat with the added ability to send messages to other Relays. The number of Relays has grown tremendously in the past year and continues to increase at a steady rate. The old chats simply could not compete with their speed and relative acceptance by node administrators. FORUM@TAMCBA is no more. Rest in Peace. >May 2, 1986 Another new file server: UTCSERVE@UTCVM, running at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. It uses the same code as TCSSERVE@TCSVM. ************************************************************************* * The Year In BITNET: Analysis * ***************************************************************************** After reading over that list of 1985 - 1986 events it becomes evident that the BIG event of the past year has been the implementation and growth of the Relay Conference Machine network. Some of my predictions came out okay: Relay DID grow and it DID make old-style chats obsolete. How soon it would happen I wasn't sure. However, my ideas about GRAND bombed out. Apparently that sort of server took so much getting used to that nobody used it. It was supposed to reappear in April in a rewritten format, but it never happened. In any case, the software interface required to use it could only be run at be run at VM nodes, effectively alienating the users at VAX/VMS sites. It's also clear that BITNET abuse can cause major problems. The two major cases of this: A) the huge file request sent to NYSHARE@TECHNION and then B) hackers breaking into Fermilab via BITNET. Both of these abuses resulted in the temporary shutdown of a server. One of the abuses was intentional, the other was probobly not, BUT THE END RESULTS WERE THE SAME. Hmmmm... ************************************************************************* * The Complete Text of the First Bitlist * ***************************************************************************** BITLIST VERSION 1.1 JUNE 1985 ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª A list of file servers, name servers, chat machines and electronic magazines. ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª Please send additions or deletions to Chris Condon BITLIB@YALEVMX Active file servers: BITSERVE@CUNYVM - Bitnet Support Center, USA CANSERVE@CANADA01 - University of Guelph, Canada CSDEPT@MAINE - University of Maine, USA CSNEWS@MAINE - University of Maine, USA KERMSRV@CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University, USA MACSERVE@BITNIC - Macintosh Users Server, Bitnet Support Center, USA NETSERV@CEARN - Centre Europeene Rechnerche Nucleare, Switzerland NICSERVE@BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center, USA SERVER@TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration, USA VMBBOARD@WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Active name servers: FINGER@CUVMA - Columbia University, USA VMNAMES@WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Active chat machines: EAAD@DS0RUS1I - Universitaet Stuttgart, West Germany FORUM@BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center, USA HELPDESK@TAMVM1 - Texas A & M University, USA RELAY@BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center, USA SERVER@TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration, USA ************************************************************************* * The Bitlist is stored on public disks at: * ***************************************************************************** University of Alabama Austria EARN - Linz Bitnet Information Center Brown University Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire City University of New York Columbia University Teachers' College Cornell University CNUSC, Montpellier Facultes universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix German central node of EARN - Darmstadt Gesellschaft Mathematik Datenv Darmstadt Helsinki University of Technology Humber College Iowa State University IBM Madrid Science Center IBM SC - Roma Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen Katholieke Hoges Tillburg Louisiana State University National Insitute of Health North Dakota State University Pennsylvania State University Research Center of Crete - Heraklion Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - UK EARN Sweden EARN - Stockholm SUNY - Stony Brook Tulane University Universidad de Barcelona University of Houston University of Idaho University of Illinois University of Maine University of Missouri University of New Brunswick University of Regina University of Southern California University of Toledo University College - Dublin Washington University Weizmann Institute of Technology Yale University ************************************************************************* * The NEXT Year In BITNET * ***************************************************************************** Predicting the future is not an exact science. I don't know that it is a science at all. I didn't have any tea leaves but I think I found a good substitute. This is what the soggy teabag told me: File severs will become more specialized: There may be a server for VAX/VMS users, one for people interested in Science Fiction, etc. This sort of trend is already beginning. More people will become involved with electronic magazines: Maybe this is wishful thinking. Some of the major BITNET magazines are suffering from article shoratages. People will either begin submitting more articles or decide to start their own magazines. Many of these new publications will only last an issue or two. They will probobly all be monthlies. A BITNET user database: Another case of wishful thinking. BITNET needs a user database that includes peoples interests (like the CSNEWS Bitnauts List) but in a highly structured format (like the NETSERV UDS List). That is it... ...for the Bitlist First Anniversary Issue. Next week things will be back to normal (whatever that is) and I will bring you the usual news and exiting information. Virtually; Chris (Fuzzyman) BITLIB@YALEVMX +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CANSERVE @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine KERMSRV @ CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University KERMSRV @ UOFT02 - Kermit Users Server, Uiversity of Toledo LFCNET @ ICNUCEVM - National University Computer Center - Pisa MACSERVE @ BITNIC - Macintosh Users Server, Bitnet Support Center NDCSNEWS @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University NICSERVE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NYSHARE @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration SERVER @ UOGUELPH - University of Guelph SILMARIL @ FINHUTC - Helsinki University of Technology TCSSERVE @ TCSVM - Tulane University UH-INFO @ UHUPVM1 - University of Houston Computing Center Subservers - ACSNET - Academic Computing Services PSYCHNET - Psychology VMBBOARD @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active NETSERV file servers/name servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NETSERV @ AEARN - Austria EARN - Linz NETSERV @ BEARN - National Scientific Research Fund, Brussels NETSERV @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NETSERV @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph NETSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire NETSERV @ DEARN - German central node of EARN - Darmstadt NETSERV @ EARNET - IBM SC - Roma NETSERV @ EB0UB011 - Universidad de Barcelona NETSERV @ FINHUT - Helsinki University of Technology NETSERV @ FRMOP11 - CNUSC, Montpellier NETSERV @ GREARN - Research Center of Crete - Heraklion NETSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen NETSERV @ IRLEARN - University College - Dublin NETSERV @ SEARN - Sweden EARN - Stockholm NETSERV @ TAUNIVM - Tel Aviv University NETSERV @ UKACRL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - UK EARN +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Mail-based info servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ INFO @ CSNET-SH.CS.NET - File server REGISTRAR @ CSNET-SH.CS.NET - Name server CIC @ CSNET-SH.CS.NET - Register your name in the CSNET database All three servers accept *only* RFC822 mail. Do NOT send interactive messages, IBM NOTEs or IBM Profs mail. For further info on all the servers, send the following two lines to INFO@CSNET-SH.ARPA: Request: Info Topic: Help NETLIB @ ANL-MCS.ARPA - File server To receive information mail the following command to NETLIB: Send index +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active database servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATABASE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Information Center +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active name servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine FINGER @ CUVMA - Columbia University LOOKUP @ RITVAXA - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXB - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXC - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXD - Rochester Institute of Technology NDCSNEWS @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University VMNAMES @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active list servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ LISTSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire LISTSERV @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center LISTSERV @ MARIST - Marist College LISTSERV @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University LISTSERV @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University LISTSERV @ TCSVM - Tulane University LISTSERV @ UCF1VM - University of Central Florida The current LISTSERV groups are listed in the file LISTSERV GROUPS which is available from the file server NICSERVE@BITNIC. This is not true for the LISTSERV@NCSUVM, which responds to HELP. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ The Relay conference machine network: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BASTILLE @ UIUCVMC - University of Illinois CXBOB @ ASUACAD - Arizona State University DSCAWAC @ CFRVM - Central Florida Regional Data Center MASRELAY @ UBVM - University of Buffalo RELAY @ AEARN - Austrian EARN node at Linz RELAY @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center RELAY @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph RELAY @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire RELAY @ CLVM - Clarkson University RELAY @ CMUCCVMA - Carnegie-Mellon University RELAY @ CZHRZU1A - Zurich University RELAY @ DEARN - German central node of EARN at Darmstadt RELAY @ DKTC11 - Copenhagen Technical College RELAY @ FINHUTC - Helsinki University of Technology RELAY @ FRECP11 - Ecole Centrale de Paris RELAY @ FRHEC11 - Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales RELAY @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen RELAY @ ISRAEARN - IBM Israel SC - Haifa RELAY @ JPNSUT10 - Science University of Tokyo RELAY @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University RELAY @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network RELAY @ NYUCCVM - New York University RELAY @ PURCCVM - Purdue University RELAY @ TCSVM - Tulane University RELAY @ UREGINA1 - University of Regina RELAY @ UTCVM - University of Tennessee - Chattanooga RELAY @ UWAVM - University of Washington RELAY @ UWF - Univeristy of West Florida RELAY @ WATDCS - Waterloo Department of Computer Services RELAY @ YALEVM - Yale University Computer Center RELAY @ YALEVMX - Yale University Computer Center RLY @ CORNELLC - Cornell University 556 @ OREGON1 - Oregon University +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Electronic magazines: ³ ³ Mailing list information is included in each magazine. ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CLUB ................. The Chat Laypersons User Bulletin For back issues send mail to Bob Baker, BBAKER@MAINE CRTNET ............... The Communication Research and Theory NETwork Back issues available from LFCNET@ICNUCEVM BITLIST .............. You're reading it now Latest issue is stored on NETSERV as BITNET SERVERS FSFNET ............... The Fantasy and Science Fiction NETwork Back issues available from TCSSERVE@TCSVM, or send mail to Dave Liscomb, CSDAVE@MAINE NUTWORKS ............. The BITNET humor magazine Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE VM/COM ............... The University of Maine CSNEWS network newsletter Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Forums and Digests: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+ ³ ADA-SW ³ INFO-KERMIT ³ NA (numerical analysis) ³ ³ AI-EDÕucationþ ³ INFO-LAPTOPS ³ NAMEDROPPERS ³ ³ AILIST ³ INFO-LAW ³ NIHONGO ³ ³ AMETHYST-USERS ³ INFO-MAC ³ NORTHSTAR-USERS ³ ³ APOLLO ³ INFO-MACFORTH ³ NUKE-WINTER ³ ³ ARMS-D ³ INFO-MICRO ³ PACKET-RADIO ³ ³ ARPA-MHS ³ INFO-MODEM7 ³ PARSYM ³ ³ ARPANET-BBOARDS ³ INFO-MODEMXX ³ PCIP (PC TCP/IP) ³ ³ ASM370 ³ INFO-MODULA-2 ³ PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE ³ ³ Astronomy Events ³ INFO-NETS ³ PHYSICS ³ ³ AVIATION ³ INFO-PASCAL ³ POLI-SCI ³ ³ BIZARRE-PEOPLE ³ INFO-PCNET ³ PROLOG/PROLOG-HACKERS ³ ³ CADinterestª ³ INFO-POSTSCRIPT ³ ProtocolS ³ ³ CLUSTER ³ INFO-PRINTERS ³ PUP-LOVERS ³ ³ Computers and Society ³ INFO-PYRAMID ³ RAILROAD ³ ³ CUBE-LOVERS ³ INFO-RIDGE ³ REXX Forum ³ ³ Dead-Heads ³ INFO-RSTS ³ RISKS ³ ³ EDITOR-PEOPLE ³ INFO-SEQUENT ³ SCHEME ³ ³ EVOLUTION ³ INFO-TERMS ³ SCRIBE-HACKS ³ ³ FANZINE ³ INFO-/BUG-TI-EXPLORER ³ SECURITY ³ ³ FIGIL (FORTH Int Grp) ³ INFO-UNIX ³ SELF-ORGANIZATION ³ ³ FIREARMS ³ INFO-V (V dist op sys) ³ SF-CONS LIST ³ ³ FRANZ-FRIENDS ³ INFO-VAX ³ SF-LOVERS ³ ³ GOULDBUGS ³ INFO-VLSI ³ SKY-FANS ³ ³ HEADER-PEOPLE ³ INFO-XENIX310 ³ SMAUG ³ ³ HEATH-PEOPLE ³ INFO-XLISP ³ SOFT-ENG ³ ³ HEALTH-NET ³ INTEREST-GROUPS LIST ³ SPACE ³ ³ HUMAN-NETS ³ INTRO ³ STD-UNIX ³ ³ ICON-GROUP ³ IRLIST ³ SUN-SPOTS ³ ³ INFO-1100 (& BUG-1100)³ KILLER ³ SYMBOLIC MATH ³ ³ INFO-68K ³ L-5 ³ TCP-IP ³ ³ INFO-ADA ³ LAN-News ³ TECHNICAL RPTS REDIST'N ³ ³ INFO-AOS ³ LASER-LOVERS ³ TELECOM ³ ³ INFO-AMIGA ³ LIST OF MAILING LISTS ³ TEXHAX ³ ³ INFO-APPLE ³ LOVE-HOUNDS ³ TheoryNet ³ ³ INFO-APPLEBUS ³ Mail-Men ³ TOPS-20 ³ ³ INFO-ATARIÕ8/16þ ³ mailjc ³ UNIX-EMACS ³ ³ INFO-BITGRAPH ³ MER.SIGBIG (supercomp's)³ UNIX-SOURCES ³ ³ INFO-C ³ METAPHILOSOPHERS ³ UNIX-SW ³ ³ INFO-CPM ³ MH-USERS ³ UNIX-TeX ³ ³ INFO-DEC-MICRO ³ MH-WORKERS ³ UNIX-WIZARDS ³ ³ INFO-FUTURES ³ MHS (X.400) implement'n ³ V2LNI-PEOPLE ³ ³ INFO-GRAPHICS ³ MILSIM ³ VECTREX-PEOPLE ³ ³ INFO-HAMS ³ MMM-PEOPLE ³ VIDEOTECH ³ ³ INFO-HZ100 ³ MsgGroup ³ VISION ³ ³ INFO-IBMPC ³ MUS (Masscomp User Grp) ³ VPLLIST ³ ³ INFO-JAPAN ³ ³ WorkS Õtationsþ ³ +-----------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+ For more information on the Digests listed here, refer to the files ARPANET SIGLIST1 and ARPANET SIGLIST2 on any NETSERV file server. The list is maintained by Rich Zellich and Gligor Tashkovich. Please note that addition to many of these mailing lists will result in LARGE amounts of mail arriving in your virtual reader. It is strongly suggested that you make sure you are really interested in a particular Digest before you request it. Also, be sure to send a note to the moderator of the list when you change userids or your account expires. Please send additions and corrections for the Digest list to ZELLICH@SRI-NIC.ARPA. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ An ongoing request: ³ ³ If the BITLIST is stored on a public disk at your institution, please ³ ³ send me a note with the node and name of your university. Thank you. ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FuzzyBytes Electronic Publishing "Because We're Here."