________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _______ ___ / › VOLUME 4 NUMBER 9 APRIL 17, 1986 / › The weekly list of active file servers, list servers, name servers, relays, / database servers, conference machines, and electronic magazines. › +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³Please send additions, deletions and requests to get on the mailing list to³ ³ Chris Condon, BITLIB@YALEVMX ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CANSERVE @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine FORUM @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration KERMSRV @ CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University LFCNET @ ICNUCEVM - National University Computer Center - Pisa MACSERVE @ BITNIC - Macintosh Users Server, Bitnet Support Center NICSERVE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NYSHARE @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration SERVER @ UOGUELPH - University of Guelph SILMARIL @ FINHUTC - Helsinki University of Technology TCSSERVE @ TCSVM - Tulane University UH-INFO @ UHUPVM1 - University of Houston Computing Center Subservers - ACSNET - Academic Computing Services PSYCHNET - Psychology VMBBOARD @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active NETSERV file servers/name servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NETSERV @ AEARN - Austria EARN - Linz NETSERV @ BEARN - National Scientific Research Fund, Brussels NETSERV @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NETSERV @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph NETSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeene de Recherche Nucleaire NETSERV @ DEARN - German central node of EARN - Darmstadt NETSERV @ EARNET - IBM SC - Roma NETSERV @ EB0UB011 - Universidad de Barcelona NETSERV @ FINHUT - Helsinki University of Technology NETSERV @ FRMOP11 - CNUSC, Montpellier NETSERV @ GREARN - Research Center of Crete - Heraklion NETSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen NETSERV @ IRLEARN - University College - Dublin NETSERV @ SEARN - Sweden EARN - Stockholm NETSERV @ TAUNIVM - Tel Aviv University NETSERV @ UKACRL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - UK EARN +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Mail-based info servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ INFO @ CSNET-SH.CS.NET - File server REGISTRAR @ CSNET-SH.CS.NET - Name server CIC @ CSNET-SH.CS.NET - Register your name in the CSNET database All three servers accept *only* RFC822 mail. Do NOT send interactive messages, IBM NOTEs or IBM Profs mail. For further info on all the servers, send the following two lines to INFO@CSNET-SH.ARPA: Request: Info Topic: Help NETLIB @ ANL-MCS.ARPA - File server To receive information mail the following command to NETLIB: Send index +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active database servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATABASE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Information Center +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active name servers: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine FINGER @ CUVMA - Columbia University LOOKUP @ RITVAXA - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXB - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXC - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXD - Rochester Institute of Technology NDCSNEWS @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University VMNAMES @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active list servers: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ LISTSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeene de Recherche Nucleaire LISTSERV @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center LISTSERV @ MARIST - Marist College LISTSERV @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University LISTSERV @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network LISTSERV @ TCSVM - Tulane University LISTSERV @ UCF1VM - University of Central Florida The current LISTSERV groups are listed in the file LISTSERV GROUPS which is available from the file server NICSERVE@BITNIC. This is not true for the LISTSERV@NCSUVM, which responds to HELP. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active conference machines: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FORUM @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ The Relay conference machine network: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BASTILLE @ UIUCVMC - University of Illinois CXBOB @ ASUACAD - Arizona State University DSCAWAC @ CFRVM - Central Florida Regional Data Center RELAY @ AEARN - Austrian EARN node at Linz RELAY @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center RELAY @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph RELAY @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire RELAY @ CLVM - Clarkson University RELAY @ CMUCCVMA - Carnegie-Mellon University RELAY @ CZHRZU1A - Zurich University RELAY @ DEARN - German central node of EARN at Darmstadt RELAY @ DKTC11 - Copenhagen Technical College RELAY @ FINHUTC - Helsinki University of Technology RELAY @ FRECP11 - Ecole Centrale de Paris RELAY @ FRHEC11 - Ecole Haute Et Commer Paris RELAY @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen RELAY @ ISRAEARN - IBM Israel SC - Haifa RELAY @ JPNSUT10 - Science University of Tokyo RELAY @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University RELAY @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network REALY @ NYUCCVM - New York University RELAY @ PURCCVM - Purdue University RELAY @ TCSVM - Tulane University RELAY @ UREGINA1 - University of Regina RELAY @ UTCVM - University of Tennessee - Chattanooga RELAY @ UWAVM - University of Washington RELAY @ UWF - Univeristy of West Florida RELAY @ WATDCS - Waterloo Department of Computer Services RELAY @ YALEVM - Yale University Computer Center RELAY @ YALEVMX - Yale University Computer Center RLY @ CORNELLC - Cornell University 556 @ OREGON1 - Oregon University 8350428 @ UWAVM - University of Washington +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Electronic magazines: ³ ³ Mailing list information is included in each magazine. ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CLUB ................. The Chat Laypersons User Bulletin For back issues send mail to Bob Baker, BBAKER@MAINE CRTNET ............... The Communication Research and Theory NETwork Back issues available from LFCNET@ICNUCEVM BITLIST .............. You're reading it now Latest issue is stored on NETSERV as BITNET SERVERS FSFNET ............... The Fantasy and Science Fiction NETwork Back issues available from SERVER@TAMCBA, or send mail to Dave Liscomb, CSDAVE@MAINE NUTWORKS ............. The BITNET humor magazine Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE VM/COM ............... The University of Maine CSNEWS network newsletter Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Forums and Digests: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ ³ ADA-SW ³ INFO-KERMIT ³ NA (numerical analysis)³ ³ AI-EDÕucationþ ³ INFO-LAPTOPS ³ NAMEDROPPERS ³ ³ AILIST ³ INFO-LAW ³ NORTHSTAR-USERS ³ ³ AMETHYST-USERS ³ INFO-MAC ³ PACKET-RADIO ³ ³ APOLLO ³ INFO-MACFORTH ³ PARSYM ³ ³ ARMS-D ³ INFO-MICRO ³ PCIP (PC TCP/IP) ³ ³ ARPA-MHS ³ INFO-MODEM7 ³ PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE ³ ³ ARPANET-BBOARDS ³ INFO-MODEMXX ³ PHYSICS ³ ³ Astronomy Events ³ INFO-MODULA-2 ³ POLI-SCI ³ ³ AVIATION ³ INFO-NETS ³ PROLOG/PROLOG-HACKERS ³ ³ CADinterestª ³ INFO-PASCAL ³ ProtocolS ³ ³ CLUSTER ³ INFO-PCNET ³ PUP-LOVERS ³ ³ Computers and Society ³ INFO-POSTSCRIPT ³ RAILROAD ³ ³ CUBE-LOVERS ³ INFO-PRINTERS ³ RISKS ³ ³ Dead-Heads ³ INFO-PYRAMID ³ SCHEME ³ ³ EDITOR-PEOPLE ³ INFO-RIDGE ³ SCRIBE-HACKS ³ ³ EVOLUTION ³ INFO-RSTS ³ SECURITY ³ ³ FIGIL (FORTH Int Grp) ³ INFO-SEQUENT ³ SELF-ORGANIZATION ³ ³ FIREARMS ³ INFO-TERMS ³ SF-CONS-LIST ³ ³ FRANZ-FRIENDS ³ INFO-/BUG-TI-EXPLORER ³ SF-LOVERS ³ ³ GOULDBUGS ³ INFO-UNIX ³ SKY-FANS ³ ³ HEADER-PEOPLE ³ INFO-V (V dist op sys) ³ SPACE ³ ³ HEATH-PEOPLE ³ INFO-VAX ³ SMAUG ³ ³ HUMAN-NETS ³ INFO-VLSI ³ SOFT-ENG ³ ³ ICON-GROUP ³ INFO-XENIX310 ³ STD-UNIX ³ ³ INFO-1100 (& BUG-1100) ³ INTEREST-GROUPS LIST ³ SUN-SPOTS ³ ³ INFO-68K ³ INTRO ³ SYMBOLIC MATH ³ ³ INFO-ADA ³ IRLIST ³ TCP-IP ³ ³ INFO-AOS ³ KILLER ³ TECHNICAL RPTS REDIST'N³ ³ INFO-AMIGA ³ L-5 ³ TELECOM ³ ³ INFO-APPLE ³ LASER-LOVERS ³ TEXHAX ³ ³ INFO-APPLEBUS ³ LIST-OF-LISTS ³ TheoryNet ³ ³ INFO-ATARIÕ8/16þ ³ LOVE-HOUNDS ³ TOPS-20 ³ ³ INFO-BITGRAPH ³ Mail-Men ³ UNIX-EMACS ³ ³ INFO-C ³ MER.SIGBIG (supercomp's) UNIX-SOURCES ³ ³ INFO-CPM ³ METAPHILOSOPHERS ³ UNIX-SW ³ ³ INFO-DEC-MICRO ³ MH-USERS ³ UNIX-TeX ³ ³ INFO-FUTURES ³ MH-WORKERS ³ UNIX-WIZARDS ³ ³ INFO-GRAPHICS ³ MHS (X.400) implement'n³ V2LNI-PEOPLE ³ ³ INFO-HAMS ³ MILSIM ³ VECTREX-PEOPLE ³ ³ INFO-HZ100 ³ MMM-PEOPLE ³ VIDEOTECH ³ ³ INFO-IBMPC ³ MsgGroup ³ VISION ³ ³ ³ MUS (Masscomp User Grp)³ WorkS Õtationsþ ³ +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ For more information on the Digests listed here, refer to the files ARPANET SIGLIST1 and ARPANET SIGLIST2 on any NETSERV file server. The list is maintained by Rich Zellich and Gligor Tashkovich. Please note that addition to many of these mailing lists will result in LARGE amounts of mail arriving in your virtual reader. It is strongly suggested that you make sure you are really interested in a particular Digest before you request it. Also, be sure to send a note to the moderator of the list when you change userids or your account expires. Please send additions and corrections for the Digest list to ZELLICH@SRI-NIC.ARPA. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ >>>B I T N O T E S>>> Issue # 46 ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ "The world is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we CAN imagine..." - R. A. H. Thursday again... ...which means that I am studying for a Biology quiz and writing the 'list at the same time. OK! What is the chromasome number in a primary oocyte? You can assume that we are talking about humans. While you are mulling over that one, I can thank Arthur Jensen for his news about a new name server. NDCSNEWS@NDSUVM1 is provided by the North Dakota State Univeristy HECN. It will accept the following command syntax: WHO where are the strings to be searched for in the HECN user list. Only one string need be specified. Results will be sent to you in the file WHO RESULT. For example: TELL NDCSNEWS AT NDSUVM1 who Jensen R; T=0.01/0.02 10:00:37 FROM NDSUVM1(NDCSNEWS): *Your Who Results are being sent as a file. The WHO RESULTS file would look like this: *ID1 NU193730 Jack Jensen NDSU CS 777-1234 student *ID1 UD013897 Jasper Jensen UND Computer Sci 777-5678 student *ID1 UD040164 Arthur D. Jensen UND Geography 777-8765 student *ID1 UD102600 Zebadiah Jensen UND Biology 777-4321 other 4 Matches The parameter may be a name, userid, department, phone number or title (student, other). Belive it or not... ...that is all the news I have for this week. By the way, the chromasome number in a human primary oocyte is 46. At least, that is what I will be answering on the quiz. Virtually; Chris (Fuzzyman) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ An ongoing request: ³ ³ If the BITLIST is stored on a public disk at your institution, please ³ ³ send me a note with the node and name of your university. Thank you. ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+