________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _______ ___ / › VOLUME 3 NUMBER 5 DECEMBER 20, 1985 / › A weekly list of file servers, conference machines and electronic magazines / › +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³Please send additions, deletions and requests to get on the mailing list to³ ³ Chris Condon, BITLIB@YALEVMX ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CANSERVE @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine CERITOR @ TECHNION - Technion - Haifa FORUM @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center KERMSRV @ CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University LFCNET @ ICNUCEVM - National University Computer Center - Pisa MACSERVE @ BITNIC - Macintosh Users Server, Bitnet Support Center NICSERVE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NYSHARE @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration SERVER @ UOGUELPH - University of Guelph VMBBOARD @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active NETSERV file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NETSERV @ AEARN - Austria EARN - Linz NETSERV @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NETSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire NETSERV @ DEARN - German central node of EARN - Darmstadt NETSERV @ EARNET - IBM SC - Roma NETSERV @ EB0UB011 - Universidad de Barcelona NETSERV @ FRMOP11 - CNUSC, Montpellier NETSERV @ GREARN - Research Center of Crete - Heraklion NETSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke University Ninjmegen NETSERV @ IRLEARN - University College - Dublin NETSERV @ ISRAEARN - IBM Israel SC - Haifa NETSERV @ SEARN - Sweden EARN - Stockholm NETSERV @ UKACRL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - UK EARN +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active database servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATABASE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Information Center +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active name servers: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine FINGER @ CUVMA - Columbia University LOOKUP @ RITVAXC - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXD - Rochester Institute of Technology VMNAMES @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active conference machines: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CERITOR @ TECHNION - Technion - Haifa FKAI @ DS0RUS1I - University of Stuttgart FORUM @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ The Relay conference machine network: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BASTILLE @ UIUCVMC - University of Illinois CSCML @ CCNYVME - City College of New York CXBOB @ ASUACAD - Arizona State University DSCAWAC @ CFRVM - Central Florida Regional Data Center ENE11S @ DE0HRZ1A - Universitaet Essen K242804 @ CZHRZU1A - Zurich University MAS @ CORNELLC - Cornell University NETRELAY @ FRECP11 - Ecole Centrale de Paris PSUG @ VPIVM2 - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University RELAY @ AEARN - Austrian EARN node at Linz RELAY @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center RELAY @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire RELAY @ CLVM - Clarkson University RELAY @ DEARN - German central node of EARN at Darmstadt RELAY @ DKTC11 - Copenhagen Technical College RELAY @ HEARN - Katholieke University Ninjmegen RELAY @ ISRAEARN - IBM Israel SC - Haifa RELAY @ JPNSUT10 - Science University of Tokyo RELAY @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University RELAY @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University RELAY @ PURCCVM - Purdue University RELAY @ TCSVM - Tulane University RELAY @ UREGINA1 - University of Regina RELAY @ UTCVM - University of Tennessee - Chattanooga RELAY @ YALEVM - Yale University Computer Center RELAY @ YALEVMX - Yale University Computer Center ZJD012 @ DMSWWU1A - Uni Muenster 8350428 @ UWAVM - University of Washington +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Electronic magazines: ³ ³ Mailing list information is included in each magazine. ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CLUB - Back issues available from FORUM@BITNIC CRTNET - Back issues available from LFCNET@ICNUCEVM BITLIST - Latest issue is stored on NETSERV as BITNET SERVERS FSFNET - Back issues available from CSDAVE@MAINE & SERVER@TAMCBA NUTWORKS - Back issues available from FORUM@BITNIC REXXyymm FORUM - Back issues available from LFCNET@ICNUCEVM VM/COM - Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ >>>B I T N O T E S>>> ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ White Christmas... Wendy the Weathergirl said this morning that the night will bring snow and all of his good friends like slush, ice, and generally freezing cold. Meanwhile I get to sit in front of my terminal waiting for the disaster to happen. The little talking clock says... "FFFHHHIIIVVEEE TTTHHHEEEVVVEEENNNTTTEEEEEENNN PEEEE EEEEMMM *pop*!" ...which means it is dark out in the Great Brown Connecticut. In Connecticut any time after dark is dangerous because the Yuppies are on the prowl in their Bimmers rushing from shopping mall to shopping mall. You can hear their frightening cry... "Do you take VISA?" Suddenly I come back to my senses and realize that this is a BITLIST I'm supposed to be doing, and you would like to hear the news. Well here it is... CLUB (the Chat Layperson's User Bulletin) is available from FORUM@BITNIC. According to Bob Baker, the editor of CLUB, issues are released on an irregular basis. It is very interesting, contains good articles, and more in-depth information than the BITLIST. Take a look at it. CSNEWS@MAINE now holds back issues of NutWorks, the electronic humor magazine, also known as the most rib-tickling thing since barbecue sauce. And now, a Christmas message from Nico Avico *********************************************************************** To the LFCNET users community. Due to Christmas holidays, I wont be able to look after the server. I decided so to suspend its activity until january: possibly, I'll start it again on 7th. I wish to thank here all the people that made LFCNET server possible. Many of them helped me a lot with critics and suggests; unfortunately I didn't traced everybody, so I cannot do a partial list here. However I hope they'll appreciate my best wishes. However I *must* signal Fuzzyman, who permitted LFCNET to be widely known via his Bitlist magazine: in fact there was a period when LFCNET was operative but totally unknown, and the commands flow was really poor. Since it has been reported on BITLIST, the activity did grow to reach about 200 valid commands per day, plus invalid ones and personal messages. Thank you Chris. As usual, I remember you that LFCNET is intended as a public *common* storage media: you are invited to fill it with your best programs, sending them to the server's reader. The space is still wide: we have 80 cylinders, more. So why not using them?? Several upgrades are going to be implemented: I'll just signal the command queue, which will permitt to do some batch requests about files; then they will be sent after some time, possibly during night hours, to leave the network load as low as possible. Another future enhanchement will be the (already announced) availability of a command-file processor: in this way also files with commands will be accepted. I'll signal these facts via Bitnotes of Bitlist as soon as they'll be operative. This year has been good for me: I hope the same (and I wish even better) for every of you. Take care folks !!! Nico ******************************************************************************* That would seem to wrap up this issue. I want you to have a very happy holiday and I will see you on the 27th... In terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Epi ge eirene en anthropois eudokias. Peace on Earth to men of good will. Virtually; Chris (Fuzzyman)