________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _______ ___ / › VOLUME 3 NUMBER 4 DECEMBER 13, 1985 / › A weekly list of file servers, conference machines and electronic magazines / › +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³Please send additions, deletions and requests to get on the mailing list to³ ³ Chris Condon, BITLIB@YALEVMX ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CANSERVE @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine FORUM @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center KERMSRV @ CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University LFCNET @ ICNUCEVM - National University Computer Center - Pisa MACSERVE @ BITNIC - Macintosh Users Server, Bitnet Support Center NICSERVE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NYSHARE @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration SERVER @ UOGUELPH - University of Guelph VMBBOARD @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active NETSERV file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NETSERV @ AEARN - Austria EARN - Linz NETSERV @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NETSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire NETSERV @ DEARN - German central node of EARN - Darmstadt NETSERV @ EARNET - IBM SC - Roma NETSERV @ EB0UB011 - Universidad de Barcelona NETSERV @ FRMOP11 - CNUSC, Montpellier NETSERV @ GREARN - Research Center of Crete - Heraklion NETSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke University Ninjmegen NETSERV @ IRLEARN - University College - Dublin NETSERV @ ISRAEARN - IBM Israel SC - Haifa NETSERV @ SEARN - Sweden EARN - Stockholm NETSERV @ UKACRL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - UK EARN +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active database servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATABASE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Information Center +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active name servers: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine FINGER @ CUVMA - Columbia University LOOKUP @ RITVAXC - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXD - Rochester Institute of Technology VMNAMES @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active conference machines: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CERITOR @ TECHNION - Technion - Haifa FKAI @ DS0RUS1I - University of Stuttgart FORUM @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ The Relay conference machine network: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BASTILLE @ UIUCVMC - University of Illinois CSCML @ CCNYVME - City College of New York CXBOB @ ASUACAD - Arizona State University DSCAWAC @ CFRVM - Central Florida Regional Data Center ENE11S @ DE0HRZ1A - Universitaet Essen K242804 @ CZHRZU1A - Zurich University MAS @ CORNELLC - Cornell University NETRELAY @ FRECP11 - Ecole Centrale de Paris PSUG @ VPIVM2 - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University RELAY @ AEARN - Austrian EARN node at Linz RELAY @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center RELAY @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire RELAY @ CLVM - Clarkson University RELAY @ DEARN - German central node of EARN at Darmstadt RELAY @ DKTC11 - Copenhagen Technical College RELAY @ HEARN - Katholieke University Ninjmegen RELAY @ ISRAEARN - IBM Israel SC - Haifa RELAY @ JPNSUT10 - Science University of Tokyo RELAY @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University RELAY @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University RELAY @ PURCCVM - Purdue University RELAY @ TCSVM - Tulane University RELAY @ UREGINA1 - University of Regina RELAY @ UTCVM - University of Tennessee - Chattanooga RELAY @ YALEVM - Yale University Computer Center RELAY @ YALEVMX - Yale University Computer Center ZJD012 @ DMSWWU1A - Uni Muenster 8350428 @ UWAVM - University of Washington +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Electronic magazines: ³ ³ Mailing list information is included in each magazine. ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CRTNET - Back issues available from LFCNET@ICNUCEVM BITLIST - Latest issue is stored on NETSERV as BITNET SERVERS FSFNET - Back issues available from NMCS025@MAINE & SERVER@TAMCBA NUTWORKS - Back issues available from FORUM@BITNIC REXXyymm FORUM - Back issues available from LFCNET@ICNUCEVM VM/COM - Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ >>>B I T N O T E S>>> ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 'Tis the season to be jolly.... Since I finished my final project for APL and have only two more final exams to take I was able to check my mail for the week and see what has been happening. While I was at it I happened to check RELAY and found the following: Item 1) MAS@CORNELLC was up and running at 11:03 am which is contrary to everything I have been told about it. It is back in the list, hopefully to stay. Item 2) There is a new Relay at Purdue University named RELAY@PURCCVM. A very nice Christmas present for the Purdue people. As far as the mail goes, Hans-Ulrich Geise has installed RELAY@HEARN. Thanks to him and also to Christain Schaeke for the news. They have contibuted... Many thanks and an especially merry Christmas to those that have given me information to keep this newsletter up to date. Without them it would be only a dream. They are, in alphabetical order: Kevin Adams Niccolo' Avico Tom Benson Wendel Bordelon Itai Burstein Jan Rudolf Cirpka Alan Clegg Andrew Derbyshire Arthur Ecock Larry Edelstein Fabio Favata Bernardo Ferdman Carlos Fernandez Randy Fleer Ross Fried Lenny Friedman Barry Gates Hans Ulrich Geise June Genis Jonathan Goodman Chip Johnson Jeff Kell Orny Liscomb Bruce Macintosh Robert Morecock Henry Nussbacher Jim Owen Berthold Pasch Andy Robinson Christian Schaeke Guenther Schmittner Claus-Dieter Schulz Edgar Schwietzke Guy Sirton Gligor Taskovich Steve Wall Andreas Wojczynski Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ Õþ See you all next week! In terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Epi ge eirene en anthropois eudokias. Peace on Earth to men of good will. Virtually; Chris (Fuzzyman)