________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _________ ___ ________ _________ ___ _________ _________ _______ ___ / › VOLUME 2 NUMBER 7 OCTOBER 11, 1985 / › A weekly list of file servers, conference machines and electronic magazines / › +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³Please send additions, deletions and requests to get on the mailing list to³ ³ Chris Condon, BITLIB@YALEVMX ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CANSERVE @ CANADA01 - University of Guelph CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine KERMSRV @ CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University MACSERVE @ BITNIC - Macintosh Users Server, Bitnet Support Center NICSERVE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NYSHARE @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration SERVER @ UOGUELPH - University of Guelph VMBBOARD @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active NETSERV file servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NETSERV @ AEARN - Austria EARN (Linz) NETSERV @ BEARN - Belgium EARN (Bruxelles) NETSERV @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center NETSERV @ CEARN - CERN NETSERV @ DEARN - German central node of EARN at Darmstadt NETSERV @ EARNET - IBM SC - Roma NETSERV @ EB0UB011 - Universidad de Barcelona NETSERV @ FRMOP11 - CNUSC, Montpellier NETSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit NETSERV @ IRLEARN - University College, Dublin NETSERV @ ISRAEARN - IBM SC - Haifa NETSERV @ SANCST0 - Gulf States NETSERV @ SEARN - Sweden EARN (Stockholm) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active database servers: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATABASE @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ The Grandiose server network: ³ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ GRAND @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center GRAND @ CUNYVM - City University of New York GRAND @ QUEENS - Queens College +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active name servers: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITSERVE @ CUNYVM - City University of New York CSNEWS @ MAINE - University of Maine FINGER @ CUVMA - Columbia University LOOKUP @ RITVAXC - Rochester Institute of Technology LOOKUP @ RITVAXD - Rochester Institute of Technology VMNAMES @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Active conference machines: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FKAI @ DS0RUS1I - University of Stuttgart FORUM @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center HELPDESK @ TAMVM1 - Texas A & M University SERVER @ TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration ZRZR @ DS0RUS1I - University of Stuttgart +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ The Relay conference machine network: ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CSCML @ CCNYVME - City College of New York CXBOB @ ASUACAD - Arizona State University DSCAWAC @ CFRVM - Central Florida Regional Data Center ENE11S @ DE0HRZ1A - Universitaet Essen I7110403 @ DBSTU1 - Braunschweig K751860 @ CZHRZU1A - Zurich University MAS @ CORNELLC - Cornell University NETRELAY @ FRECP11 - Ecole Centrale de Paris OPCOM @ UIUCVMD - Universit of Illinois at Urbana PSUG @ VPIVM2 - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University RELAY @ BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center RELAY @ DEARN - German central node of EARN at Darmstadt RELAY @ DKTC11 - Copenhagen Technical College RELAY @ JPNSUT10 - Science University of Tokyo RELAY @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University RELAY @ UNLVM - University of Nebraska Computer Services RELAY @ YALEVM - Yale University Computer Center RELAY @ YALEVMX - Yale University Computer Center TRRLP11 @ TECHNION - Technion - Haifa USERD701 @ CLVM - Clarkson University UTCSERVE @ UTCVM - Univerity of Tennessee at Chattanooga ZJD012 @ DMSWWU1A - Uni Muenster 8350428 @ UWAVM - University of Washington +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ Electronic magazines: ³ ³ Mailing list information is included in each magazine. ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BITLIST - Back issues available from SERVER@TAMCBA FSFNET - Back issues available from NMCS025@MAINE & SERVER@TAMCBA NUTWORKS - Back issues available from SERVER@TAMCBA VM/COM - Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ³ >>>B I T N O T E S>>> ³ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ There is a CSNOTICE on CSNEWS@MAINE that warrants looking at, the BITNET CSNOTICE. For those of you that don't know how already, you can get it like this: TELL CNSEWS AT MAINE SEND BITNET CSNOTICE -or- MSG MAINE CSNEWS SEND BITNET CSNOTICE The said notice has some very important information for new and not so new Bitnauts. Look very carefully at Andy Robinson's tips for using the network. Take some time to go over the section on people that overload file servers. Why? NYSHARE@WEIZMANN is closed to BITNET connections because some idiot decided to tell NYSHARE to ship him the whole disk. This didn't do WEIZMANN or the people that run the server any good, and it certainly didn't do the rest of us any good. I am partialy responsible for this, having gotten the information about the server from a WEIZMANN person but not checking with the people that run it. Putting it in the 'list made the inforamtion available to the idiot mentioned above. There is a possibility that NYSHARE will become active for BITNET users on a limited basis (i.e you can request only a certain number of files per day). Until that posiblility has been excluded NYSHARE will remain on the 'list. Otherwise there is no real news this week. I have been getting mail from people that have old issues of the BITLIST correcting things that have already been corrected, so please forgive me if I don't mention you, and keep on trying! The CSNEWS contacts should be receiving this newsletter now. If any of you don't want to continue receiving the BITLIST or want it mailed to another ID, please drop me a note. At this point the mailing list has reached the stupendous number of 84. If you know of anybody that would like to get the 'list, send them a copy, please! The more people this reaches the better.. So if you tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on... Also, If you find the time, please drop me a note and tell me if you are faculty, student, other ect... I'm really interested in the audience I'm reaching. Virtually; Chris (Fuzzyman)