BBITLIST VERSION 1.6 JULY 12, 1985 ェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェ A list of file servers, name servers, chat machines and electronic magazines. ェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェェ ェェェ> Please send additions or deletions to Chris Condon BITLIB@YALEVMX ェェェ Active file servers: BITSERVE@CUNYVM - City University of New York CANSERVE@CANADA01 - University of Guelph CSNEWS@MAINE - University of Maine KERMSRV@CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University MACSERVE@BITNIC - Macintosh Users Server, Bitnet Support Center NETSERV@CEARN - Centre Europeene Rechnerche Nucleare NICSERVE@BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center SERVER@TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration SERVER@UOGUELPH - University of Guelph VMBBOARD@WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science Active name servers: BITSERVE@CUNYVM - City University of New York CSNEWS@MAINE - University of Maine FINGER@CUVMA - Columbia University VMNAMES@WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science Active chat machines: FKAI@DS0RUS1I - University of Stuttgart FORUM@BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center HELPDESK@TAMVM1 - Texas A & M University RELAY@BITNIC - Bitnet Support Center SERVER@TAMCBA - Texas A & M College of Business Administration ZRZR@DS0RUS1I - University of Stuttgart Electronic Magazines: *Note: Subscription information, if any, is included in the magazine, not here. BITLIST - Back issues available from CANSERVE@CANDA01 and SERVER@TAMCBA FSFNET - Back issues available from NMCS025@MAI8E and SERVER@TAMCBA NUTWORKS - Back issues available from VMBBOARD@WEIZMANN and SERVER@TAMCBA VM/COM - Back issues available from CSNEWS@MAINE ARPANET Digests available from VMBBOARD@WEIZMANN: AILIST DIGEST CSNET-FORUM DIGEST DEFENSE DATA NETWORK DIGEST HUMAN-NETS DIGEST INFO-GRAPHICS DIGEST INFO-IBMPC DIGEST INFO-KERMIT DIGEST PROLOG DIGEST SF-LOVERS DIGEST SOFTWARE ENGINEERING DIGEST WORKS DIGEST >>>B I T N O T E S>>> CSDEPT@MAINE has been eaten up by CSNEWS@MAINE. CSDEPT is still there in a brain damaged sort of way but for all intents and purposes CSNEWS will do pretty much what CSDEPT did before, plus its ususal functions. Of course we can sit on our hands until the new documentation comes out. Keep that old CSDEPT documentation handy! On the other side of the fence, there are TWO new conference machines at the University of Stuttgart. FKAI@DS0RUS1I and ZRZR@DS0RUS1I seem to be student run so their lifetime is in question at this end. Then again, EAAD stuck around that node for a while. Does anybody know where the Missing Link is? Do we care? Virtually; Chris